Problem Solving in Automata, Languages, and Complexity

(Dana P.) #1
6.1 Asymptotic Growth Rate 285

In the following, we

any k > - 1, recall that

Define log* n = min{k

study a function that grows very slowly to infinity. For

lg^0 (k) n= lg^0 l Y l logn. ’

1 k > - l,log(k) n < - 1).

Example 6.5 Show that log* n + log@) n for any constant integer m > - 1.

Proof. We first prove that for any fixed m > 2 and sufficiently large n,

log* n < logcn) n. To do so, we note that 2” > - zn for n - > 4. It follows that

n>4=> - 2$logn<n. -

Repeatedly applying this inequality, we obtain

log+‘) n > - 4 =3 2i + log@) n < - n.

Now, for log n > 4m, substituting log n - 2m for i and log@) n for n, we


2(log n - 2m) < - 2(log n - 2m) + log(log* n-m) n < - logcm) n.

(Note*. log@) (log(‘) n) = log@+“) n 9 and so

logCi-l) log(“) n = log(‘Og* n-m-1) n > - 2” > - 4.)

That is, if n is so large such that log* n > 4m, then

log n < - 2 log n - 4m < - logcm) n.

Now, we note that for any fixed m > - 1, log(“+‘) n 4 log(m) n (see Exercise

6). Together, we get log* n 3 log(m) n.^0

Exercise 6.1

  1. Show that 21nn = o(n) and 210g(2n) = O(n).

  2. Show that (logn)‘” 4 do + 2Q”gn)‘“.

  3. Compare the following three functions using the + notation:
    log n

2” 7 n(lOE? n)2 7 (log n>2”.

  1. Compare 2 log* n with n using the^4 notation.

5. Suppose that f(n) 4 g(n). Is it t rue that for any increasing function

h(n) with limn,, h(n) = 00, h(f(n)) 4 h(g(n))? Present a proof or a

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