operations, and often higher prices and shorter print runs.
But they are otherwise similar operations to the bigger firms.
They are distinguished from vanity presses by being
commercially reliant on achieving sales and they still sign
contracts with their authors. In practice, the payment of
author fees is usually either completely nominal or (in view
of the non-commercial character of monograph publishing)
the firm may ask that it be waived entirely. Some
commercial publishers may also look for a partial subsidy to
help finance the costs of issuing monographs. It is well
worth exploring whether some form of limited subsidy may
be available to help secure book publication of your
research. Potential sources are your own department or
university, where little-known funds often lurk for years
without anyone bidding to them for assistance; national or
regional-level professional associations in your discipline;
and some kinds of foundations or charities. Ask your
advisers and departmental colleagues if they have any
suggestions here: this kind of information is often hard for
graduate students to find out unaided.
Included in the category of smaller commercial publishers
with monograph lists there are a diverse range of
companies. Some of them are medium-sized firms, well
known and long established. Others are reputable or well-
regarded companies, but quite newly formed. There are also
many start-up companies with an unproven track record
and potentially uncertain futures. Try to find out as much as
you can about companies before getting involved with
them, and be reasonably sceptical about promises from
smaller outfits. Make sure that you get sight of previous
books and catalogues that the firm has produced, and check
out the company Web site and its facilities. It is very
important for your career track purposes that your book
should be properly edited, designed and printed to a good
standard, and that it should be effectively distributed and
publicized so that potential readers get to hear about it.
◆ Vanity publishersare not really publishers at all. Essentially
they ask authors to pay for the publication of their own
manuscript. They are not worth considering because a book
issued by them cannot build your résumé or CV in any