Apple Magazine - USA - Issue 441 (2020-04-10)

(Antfer) #1

Though millions of professionals are relying on
technology to adapt to working from home,
others do not have that luxury, with their jobs
on the line due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
With no end in sight, making the best of your
circumstances and utilizing your talents during
quarantine could help you to unlock a revenue
stream and turn a side hustle into a career.


As the coronavirus spreads to all four corners
of the globe, businesses and individuals are
beginning to feel the pinch. The airline industry
has, quite literally, fallen from the sky, bars
and restaurants have been forced to close in
many countries, and actors, barbers, beauty
therapists, and personal trainers are just some of
the entrepreneurs who are suffering the most.
Entering these new uncertain times isn’t easy for
anyone, but if your income derives from meeting
other people or working in the city, you’d be
putting yourself at unnecessary risk to leave the
house and continue your operations - and the
chances are, you’d have no customers anyway.
With an increasing number of citizens finding
themselves at home with no work, a record
10 million have applied for unemployment
benefits in the United States, and it is a
similar picture in other markets like the United
Kingdom, where governments are stepping in
to allow businesses to furlough employees to
reduce the number of potential job losses.

Perhaps the most difficult part of the COVID-19
crisis, aside from the obvious humanitarian
challenges that await, is the huge uncertainty.
But rather than waiting for the storm to pass
and for the world to return to a more normal

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