Apple Magazine - USA - Issue 441 (2020-04-10)

(Antfer) #1

state of affairs, it is possible to adjust to your
new surroundings and make the best of a bad
situation. We all have talents and skills that can
be utilized by others, and with so many citizens
now at home with endless time on their hands,
there are ample opportunities to get your
entrepreneurial hat on and make some money.
With the right tools and resources, you could
forge a career that could last a lifetime.


Aside from pharmaceutical giants and grocery
stores, it’s hard to think of an industry that
the coronavirus pandemic hasn’t touched.
From florists to catering companies and from
fashion outlets to solicitors, businesses are
seeing demand for their products and services
plummet, including Bandsintown LLC, which
before the spread of the virus had more than
430,000 future events on its books. Since
then, most of them have been postponed or
canceled, with stars like Justin Bieber putting
the brakes on world tours, despite millions
in ticket sales. But rather than admit defeat
and wait for the crisis to die down, the brand
has partnered with Amazon’s Twitch to offer
fans the chance to watch live performances
from their favorite artists, paying a small fee for
a virtual ticket. Presently, artists who want to
generate an income from the site must submit
an application, but Bandsintown has helped to
fast-track the process to help some bands and
musicians collect revenue virtually overnight.

The company calls the venture as a “reshuffling”
of its product roadmap, allowing artists to hold
virtual concerts from their living rooms, and earn
cash for doing so. Other celebrities are taking

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