The Economist USA 03.28.2020

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4 Contents The EconomistMarch 28th 2020

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PublishedsinceSeptember 1843
intelligence, which presses forward,
and an unworthy, timid ignorance
obstructing our progress.”
Editorial offices in London and also:
Amsterdam, Beijing, Berlin, Brussels, Cairo,
Chicago, Johannesburg, Madrid, Mexico City,
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Volume 434 Number 9187

45 Spain’s crucial week
46 Italy, Germany and the
47 Germany goes red
47 Swearing in Dutch
48 Russia’s economy
49 Charlemagne Aesop’s

50 The great divider
51 Slow off the mark
52 BagehotThe new politics

53 Treating covid-
54 The dash to ventilate

57 Corporate top dogs
58 Essential shopping
58 HR chiefs to the barricades
59 Bartleby is working
60 Distributed companies
61 Schumpeter Unilever’s
home front

Finance & economics
63 Global trade collapses
64 The mortgage market
64 Doling out greenbacks
65 The ECB’s latest salvo
65 America steps into the
oil market
66 Buttonwood Special
67 Free exchangePaying for

Science & technology
68 Covid-19 and the climate
69 Covid-19 and pollution
70 Detecting body heat

Books & arts
71 Disease and democracy
in Athens
72 Art on the internet
73 The Italian Renaissance
74 Bulgakov’s scourge
74 Emily St John Mandel’s

Economic & financial indicators
76 Statisticson 42 economies

Graphic detail
77 Thenorthern-hemispherewinterthatwasn’t

78 Michel Roux, the restaurateur who changed Britain
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