PlayStation Magazine - 05.2020

(Barré) #1



ou know someone
means business when
they’ve got a sword
bigger than they are
strapped to their back.
Cloud introduces himself to
AVALANCHE as a Mako-enhanced
ex-SOLDIER, and offers to help
them blow up Shinra’s Mako
reactors in exchange for cash. The
only thing the group really knows
about him is that he shares a past
with another member, Tifa. While
most people know him from spin-off
media as being a grumpy loner, the
Cloud of this game knows how to
crack wise, with Barret a prime
target for his sarcastic comebacks.

At points the rest of the gang gently
prod at him, trying to get him to open
up (and in Jessie’s case work out if
there’s something going on between
him and Tifa). But while Cloud can be
witty and sarcastic, he keeps his real

feelings close to his chest. However,we
get to see what’s on his mind from
early on. He has flashbacks to his
childhood with Tifa, in the wild-west-
like town of Nibelheim; but also to
something much more sinister. His
flashbacks keep showing him a
dark-clothed figure with long, silver
hair: Sephiroth. The memories of his
time as part of SOLDIER are all linked
to the mysterious individual, and seem
to be closely tied to why he left.
But that decision has put him in the
same boat as AVALANCHE. As an
enhanced super-soldier, going rogue’s
put a Shinra-shaped target on his
back, as he’s an investment gone bad.
And that Mako experimentation
doesn’t only have positive effects.
Generally, all SOLDIERs die young
because of the gene-meddling. But is
his hatred of Shinra and enigmatic past
all that draws him to working with
AVALANCHE? Maybe Cloud cares
more for the planet that he lets on.


s the main character
and party leader from
the start, Cloud is solid to
play as, able to tussle with
almost any enemy as long
as they stay in range of his
sword. Tapping the attack
button will unleash a combo
of attacks, including a
launcher move that lifts the
enemy up into the air, while
holding it down gives him
spin attacks that damage
enemies all around.

Use w to switch to his
Punisher mode and his
moves will hit more heavily
while his movements slow.
Any dodge in this mode will
send Cloud right back to his
standard Operator mode,
and switching takes time,
so you’ll need to consider
that in advance. Braver is
now an Ability (not a Limit
Break like in the original
game), with Cross Slash
his first super move. He

also starts with Focused
Thrust, where he dashes
forward dealing stagger
damage to any enemies in
the way. As he levels up,
Cloud gains access to more
abilities, many of which
revolve around sword
attacks on enemies. He’s
capable of dealing with
pretty much any situation,
especially as his mode
changes help when taking
on big enemy groups.

Head in the clouds


Cloud’s spiky hair is one
of his most distinctive
features, and we’re glad
to see it’s in the Remake.
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