PlayStation Magazine - 05.2020

(Barré) #1



On the way to the next Mako reactor something goes wrong
with the group’s security bypass, and the whole team must
jump out of the moving train into the tunnels.

Okay, this point has
been hammered
home often enough by
now, but blowing up the
first Mako reactor in the
game’s intro was just
the coolest.

Cloud was just in
it for the money
and is about to split with
AVALANCHE. Fortunately
his childhood friend Tifa
gets him to stay on for
one more job.


But every
Cloud and
all that as
he (literally)
falls for Aerith in Sector
5’s abandoned church,
helping her escape
the Turks, and
jokingly becoming her
personal bodyguard.



Retracing our original journey

through Midgar. It might be

different in Remake, but still,

read on at your own peril!


This time blowing up the reactor goes less wrong, and in a
dramatic and very polygonal cutscene Cloud is separated
from Tifa and Barret as he falls into flames.
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