PlayStation Magazine - 05.2020

(Barré) #1
PS5 has an SSD,so
we don’t expect
loading screens
between fights.

skill-based melee combat is
geared around an offensive
playstyle where you need to time
every hit perfectly to deal
maximum damage.

Counterplay Games has said its
visual style and world-building
is influenced by famous novels
The Stormlight Archive, The First
Law, and the Foundation series.
It’s an art direction that melts
science fiction and fantasy into
a burbling, golden-hued pot of
metallic joy that resembles Dark
Souls funnelled through ’80s camp
sensation Flash Gordon (sadly,
with less Queen).
We particularly love the tiny
details in the enemy animation
that should make every fight feel
personal. When a knight taunts
you by tossing his sword into the
air and from hand to hand, while
he strikes a pose and allows his
cape to flutter realistically in the
wind, you know he means
business. That this kind of
animation looks to be incidental
only serves to showcase the kind
of detail we can expect on PS5.
The reason you’re juggling
enemies and unleashing arcane
magic in this vibrant game world
is simple enough but likely open

to Destiny levels of lore: the
high-fantasy setting is divided into
the elemental realms of Earth,
Water, Air, Fire, and Spirit, and
you’re in the heaving armour of
one of the last remaining Knight’s
Order, tasked with thwarting an
apocalyptic event.
At the start of the game you’re
set a class based on the type of
armour (called Valorplates) you
choose for your character to wear.
There are three primary armour
sets to pick from, but the

suggestion is you’ll find and
unlock more in-game, discovering
new Valorplates and Augments
as you explore the world and
complete missions. Just like its
inspirations, Godfall looks to place
customisation firmly front and
centre, as every quest’s true goal is



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