Adobe Photoshop CS5 One-on-One

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

  1. Select the missing parts of the blade. Click
    in the deselected part of the blade nearest the
    saw, as indicated in Figure 3-32, and drag your
    brush out to the tip. You can make additional
    passes and continue adding to the selection as
    necessary. The quick selection tool is config-
    ured by default to add to the selection (without
    pressing and holding the Shift key to add as
    you would with other selection tools). If you
    go too far, press and hold the Alt (Option) key
    and click just outside the selection to remove
    any weird bumps that the quick selection tool
    might add. At first, the selection will look dis-
    mal, but when you release the mouse button,
    Photoshop will do an auto-enhance calcula-
    tion that will improve it to roughly what you
    see in Figure 3-33.

  2. Switch to the magnetic lasso tool. In a mo-
    ment, I’ll show you how to assess this selec-
    tion for accuracy. But even to the naked eye,
    there’s an obvious problem in the lower corner,
    where the blade meets the saw. A convenient
    tool for fixing this kind of problem is the mag-
    netic lasso tool. You can get it by clicking and
    holding the icon in the toolbox (third item
    down) and selecting the magnetic lasso tool
    from the flyout menu. Or if you’ve followed
    the directions in the Preface, simply press the
    L key to cycle through the lasso tools until
    you get the magnetic lasso.

  3. Deselect the problem corner area. Press and
    hold the Option (Alt) key to inform Photoshop
    that you want to subtract from your selection,
    as confirmed by the minus sign that appears
    next to the cursor. Click once in the spot in-
    dicated in Figure 3-34. After you click, release
    the Alt (Option) key and the mouse button.
    Then click up in the corner indicated in the
    figure and click back at your starting point.
    That small bit of sky in the corner should dis-
    appear from your selection.

Figure 3-32.

Figure 3-33.

Figure 3-34. then click here and go
back and click at the

Click here and then
release the Alt (Option)
key and the mouse...

82 Lesson 3: Making Selections

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