Adobe Photoshop CS5 One-on-One

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

  1. Cycle through the comps as desired. In
    Figure 5-72, we see details from 3 of the
    8 comps. Given that these are views of a
    single file, and that every one of them re-
    lies on the very same collection of 27 layers
    and 5 groups, it’s amazing just how unique
    each comp is.

  2. Save your changes. Because we deleted
    a layer (Step 7, page 173), I recommend that
    you choose File→Save As. Give the image
    a new name but keep it in the Photoshop
    (PSD) format. Photoshop saves all layers
    and comps with the file. The comp that
    was active when you saved the file will be
    in effect the next time you open it.
    The results of your toils are eight independent
    pieces of artwork saved inside one layered com-
    position. This file consumes much less room
    on disk than it would if each comp was saved
    as a separate PSD file. And as an added conve-
    nience, you can edit the various comps together
    inside a single file.
    And thus ends our hands-on tour of the amaz-
    ing world of layers. You’ll see in several of the
    following lessons that the power of layers raises
    its head in much of what you’ll do throughout
    this book.

Figure 5-72.

176 Lesson 5: Working with Layers
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