Adobe Photoshop CS5 One-on-One

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

  1. Create a Color Balance adjustment layer. In the Adjustments
    panel, Alt-click (Option-click) the third icon from the left in the
    second row, as indicated in Figure 6-9, which fittingly uses a
    scale to represent color balance. In the New Layer dialog box,
    type “Cast correction” and click OK.

If you’ve skipped the Preface, you may find that Photoshop has automatically
created an accompanying layer mask to go with your adjustment layer by
default. Turning off this somewhat annoying behavior is what I like to call a
true Photoshop Secret Handshake. Return to the general Adjustments panel
by clicking the arrow at the bottom of the panel. Next, click to open
the panel flyout menu and click Add Mask by Default to turn off its check
mark. Then return to your adjustment layer by choosing it from the Layers
panel. Drag to the trash the default mask in the Color Cast layer that inspired
you to do this ritual. (Don’t click the scale icon again, or you’ll create yet
another new layer.)

  1. Make a preliminary adjustment to the Red values. You’ll notice
    that the Adjustments panel now displays three color sliders that
    pair colors with their opposites on the color wheel. To remove
    a preponderance of one color from your image, you move the
    respective slider in the direction of its complement on the color
    wheel. So, to remove what is clearly a reddish cast in the sample
    image, start by moving the Cyan-Red slider in the Adjustments
    panel away from Red and toward Cyan until the numerical value
    to the left of the slider reads –40. (To learn more about colors
    and their complements on the color wheel, see the sidebar on
    the facing page, “The Visible-Color Spectrum Wheel.”) As you
    can see in Figure 6-10, we’re getting closer to a realistic neutral,
    but the image is perhaps a bit green.

Figure 6-9.

Figure 6-10.

OriginalAfter adjusting to -40 Red

184 Lesson 6: Adjusting Color and Luminance

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