Adobe Photoshop CS5 One-on-One

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

  1. Decrease the Green values. The image appears decidedly green,
    so click in the numerical value field next to the Magenta-Green
    slider and enter a value of –10. This moves the Magenta-Green
    slider to the right, away from green. The results are depicted
    in Figure 6-11. The image has a lot of green objects, so it’s hard
    to tell exactly where to stop in your attempt to remove the green-
    based cast. But since the overall goal is to cool down the image,
    we need to be judicious about contributing too much magenta,
    so best to be conservative here.

Figure 6-11.

Figure 6-12.

  1. Increase the Blue values. The image is still too warm for my
    taste, so cool it way down by moving the third slider all the
    way to +40, thus increasing the blue value. You’ll notice in
    Figure 6-12 that the wall behind the boys and the sofa color
    are at last approaching a neutral gray.

Before green adjustment

Before blue adjustmentAfter adjusting to +40 blue

After adjusting to –10 green

186 Lesson 6: Adjusting Color and Luminance

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