Adobe Photoshop CS5 One-on-One

(やまだぃちぅ) #1
The final results can be seen in Figure 6-15. On the left is the image
before we made any adjustments to correct for the orangish color
cast, and on the right is the final result of having applied a Color
Balance adjustment layer. You can study your own before-and-after
results by clicking the to the left of the Cast Correction layer to
turn on and off visibility for that adjustment.
If you like, you can choose File→Save As, give the file a suitable
name, and then click Save to keep this file for reference.

Figure 6-15.

Original and orangeAfter and adjusted

Tint and Color

Like the Color Balance adjustment command, the Hue/Saturation
command lets you specify color values independently from other
color designations, while taking luminosity into account. But where
Color Balance permits you to limit your adjustments within the
context of three color pairings, the Hue/Saturation command lets
you modify specific hues. This means you can adjust the hue, satu-
ration, and luminosity of an entire photograph or constrain your
changes to, say, just the blue areas.

188 Lesson 6: Adjusting Color and Luminance

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