Adobe Photoshop CS5 One-on-One

(やまだぃちぅ) #1
Figure 8-5.

Figure 8-6.

Figure 8-7.

  1. Apply Free Transform to the text layer. En-
    sure that the text layer is active by clicking
    it in the Layers panel if necessary. Choose
    Edit→Free Transform or press Ctrl-T (�-T).
    In Figure 8-5, you can see that the Trans-
    form bounding box that Photoshop creates
    around the text has room for descenders,
    should any of the letters happen to have
    them. Because we’re working with all caps,
    the extra space below the text doesn’t need
    to fit on the sign.


You may have noticed that the command just below Free Transform in the
Edit menu, called simply Transform, has a flyout menu that contains a variety
of transformation options such as Scale, Rotate, and Skew, all of which sound
like they would be useful in this example. But once you choose a command
from this list, you are locked into that specific kind of transformation. Since
we have to make multiple tweaks, the Free Transform command offers the
flexibility we need.

  1. Drag in the handles to make the text layer
    narrower. Hover over the handle in the
    middle of the left side of the bounding box.
    When you get a double-headed arrow, drag
    the side inward, as in Figure 8-6. Then do
    the same with the right side. Adjust the sides
    so that the width of the layer is roughly the
    width of the sign. We’ll do a better job of
    lining up the angle in the next step, so for
    now, just approximate the width you need.

  2. Rotate the layer. Hover over the handle in
    the left corner of the bounding box until
    you get a curved double-headed arrow, like
    the one in Figure 8-7, and then drag the
    corner upward so that the angle of the text
    aligns as closely as possible with the angle
    of the sign. Click anywhere inside the box
    to reposition the layer as you transform it.
    If necessary, and it probably will be, grab
    each of the side handles again to readjust
    the width. Remember: Use the text, not
    the bottom of the box, as your reference.

    Applying Free Transform to Scale and Align Perspective 263

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