Adobe Photoshop CS5 One-on-One

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

  1. Drag in the sides to create a margin. Once you get the corners
    positioned where you like them and align the layer’s edges with
    the sign’s edges, drag in the sides to add some white space around
    the text. When you get everything just so, press Enter (Return)
    or click in the options bar to accept your transformation.

  2. Add an inner shadow to the
    text. Now that the message is in the
    right place, let’s integrate the letters
    into the sign a little better. Start by
    clicking the icon at the bottom of
    the Layers panel and choosing Inner
    Shadow. In the Layer Style dialog box,
    drop the Opacity to 45 percent but
    otherwise leave the default settings.
    Click OK and you’ll see how the text
    embeds slightly into the material of
    the sign, as in Figure 8-9.

  3. Create a new layer for a shading effect. To give the text the
    highlight and shadow appropriate to its new orientation, we’re
    going to create a gradient-style effect. Start by Alt-clicking
    (Option-clicking) the icon at the bottom of the Layers panel
    to create a new layer. Name the layer “Shading” and click OK.

  4. Paint white across the top. Press B to get the brush tool and use
    the bracket keys to size your brush so it’s about half the height
    of the sign. Right-click and set your brush hardness to about
    50 percent. Press the D key to make sure your colors are set to
    their defaults, and then press the X key to make white the fore-
    ground color. Paint with white across the top half of the sign.

  5. Paint black across the bottom. Press the X key again to switch
    the foreground and background colors. Then paint the bottom
    half of the sign black. Your image should
    look as defaced as mine is in Figure 8-10.

  6. Clip the shading layer to the text
    layer. Choose Layer→Create Clip-
    ping Mask. When you do so, the shad-
    ing you’ve painted will clip the layer
    beneath it, limiting the shading effect
    to just the letters, as in Figure 8-11, on
    the next page.

Figure 8-9.

Figure 8-10.

Applying Free Transform to Scale and Align Perspective 265
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