Adobe Photoshop CS5 One-on-One

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

  1. Choose the Content-Aware Scale command. Choose Edit→Content-
    Aware Scale, which is featured in Figure 8-37. If you did not
    load my dekeKeys shortcuts, you can invoke the command with
    Ctrl+Shift+Alt+C (�-Shift-Option-C). Otherwise, I reassigned that
    shortcut to the more frequently used Image→Crop. In any event,
    Photoshop surrounds the image with eight scale handles, just as
    if you were working in the free transform mode.

  2. Scale the image as tall as it will go. Go ahead and scale the image
    window to give yourself some extra gray pasteboard so you have
    enough room to work. Then drag the top handle all the way to the
    top of the canvas. If you drag slowly, you’ll see that Photoshop fo-
    cuses most of its efforts on the background sky. But after a point, it
    can’t help but engage the leaping woman to a lesser extent. Lesser
    or not, the command still manages to make an absolute mess of
    things, as witnessed in Figure 8-37.

Figure 8-37.

288 Lesson 8: Transform and Distort

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