Adobe Photoshop CS5 One-on-One

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Before you can use the vast array of tools and functions inside
Photoshop, you must know how to find and open the image you
want, and that means organizing your image files in the Bridge. As
glad fortune would have it, that’s precisely what this lesson is about.
In the following exercises, you’ll learn how to:

  • Open an image on screen............... .page 5

  • Use the improved Adobe Bridge to
    preview and organize your digital images...... page 10

  • Determine how a photograph was captured, and
    add copyright information and keywords...... page 25

  • Rename multiple images in one fell swoop...... page 32

video lesson 1: Browsing in the Bridge

The Adobe Bridge, a companion application that
comes with Photoshop CS5, is the best place to get
organized and oriented. Besides easily finding the
file you want to open in Photoshop, you can sort,
preview, examine, group, and compare your photos
in the Bridge. And with Bridge CS5's new Export
panel, you can save an entire folder's worth of raw
format files as JPEGs for easy portability.
To get your bearings in the Bridge, visit http://www.oreilly.
com/go/deke-PhotoshopCS5. Click the Watch but-
ton to view the lesson online or click the Down-
load button to save it to your computer. During the
video, you'll learn these shortcuts:

OperationWindows shortcutMacintosh shortcut
Open an image fileCtrl+O (that's the letter O) �-O (that's the letter O)
Zoom in or outCtrl+ (plus), Ctrl+ (minus) �- (plus), �- (minus)
Stack photos in a groupCtrl+G �-G
Expand a stack to see all the photosCtrl+� �-�
Collapse a stackCtrl+� �-�
Enter Review modeCtrl+B �-B
Exit Review modeEscEsc
View a full-screen previewspacebarspacebar

Before beginning the exercises, make sure
you’ve downloaded the lesson files from,
as directed in Step 2 on page xvi of the
Preface. This means you should have a
folder called Lesson Files-PsCS5 1on1 on
your desktop (or whatever location you
chose). We’ll be working with the files in-
side the Lesson 01 subfolder.

Project files

4 Lesson 1: Open and Organize

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