Adobe Photoshop CS5 One-on-One

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

aBOut thIS leSSOn

In this lesson, I show you how to use Photoshop’s text and shape
tools, as well as ways to edit text and shapes by applying formatting
attributes and transformations. You’ll learn how to:

  • Create a text layer and modify its
    appearance using formatting attributes,
    layer styles, and filters............... .page 356

  • Adjust common formatting attributes using
    mouse clicks and keyboard shortcuts....... .page 370

  • Draw vector-based shapes, convert text to shapes,
    and repeat a shape using series duplication.... .page 375

  • Force text to follow the contours of a path and
    warp text by bending and distorting it....... .page 388

Before beginning the exercises, make sure
you’ve downloaded the lesson files from,
as directed in Step 2 on page xvi of the
Preface. This means you should have a
folder called Lesson Files-PsCS5 1on1 on
your desktop (or whatever location you
chose). We’ll be working with the files in-
side the Lesson 11 subfolder.

Project files

video lesson 11: Creating vector art

Tool or operationWindows shortcutMacintosh shortcut
Type toolTT
Cut Ctrl-X �-X
PasteCtrl-V �-V
Accept changes to a text layerEnter on keypad (or Ctrl+Enter)Enter on keypad (or �-Return)
Copy layer effects to a new layerCtrl-drag �-drag
Load channel as selectionCtrl-click �-click

We think of Photoshop as a pixel-based image editor,
and normally, we’re right. But Photoshop provides
two exceptions, text and shapes, which are treated
as vector-based layers. As long as these layers remain
intact, you can edit them to your heart’s content.
And because they’re vectors, you can transform them
without degrading their quality. After this video les-
son, Photoshop just might be your favorite tool for
this kind of project, especially after I show you how to
prepare it for a commercial printer.
To view Photoshop’s vector art capabilities, visit http://www. Click the Watch
button to view the lesson online or click the Down-
load button to save it to your computer. During the
video, you’ll learn these shortcuts:

374 Lesson 11: Text and Shapes

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