Adobe Photoshop CS5 One-on-One

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

  1. Move the Preview panel. Since we’re working with large thumb-
    nails, the Preview panel serves little purpose, because the thumb-
    nails in the Content folder are just as big as in the Preview panel.
    So let’s tuck it away. Grab the Preview panel by its tab and drag
    it all the way to the left side of the window until a bright blue
    outline appears around the Folders panel. Release the mouse
    button to drop the panel into the top-left section of the Bridge.

  2. Rearrange some more panels. Choose Window→Collections
    Panel to hide that panel, since we won’t be using it for the
    moment. Then do the same for the Export panel by choosing
    Window→Export Panel. Drag the Metadata panel from the top-
    right corner of the window to the bottom-left, as demonstrated
    in Figure 1-7. And drag the Keywords panel there as well. This
    empties the right panel.

Figure 1-7.

New to Photoshop CS5 is the Mini Bridge, a
Flash-based panel that appears in the Photoshop
interface and allows you handy Bridge-like access
to all your files. The usefulness of the Mini Bridge
really comes into play when you’re working with
multiple images in Photoshop, so we’ll save our
coverage of hands-on use of this handy new tool
for Lesson 9.

Organizing and Examining Photos 11

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