Adobe Photoshop CS5 One-on-One

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

  1. Carve a second star out of the first. Press the Alt key (Option key
    on the Mac) and draw another star from the same starting point
    (marked by the yellow in Figure 11-31) to the next guideline
    intersection (the dark green in the figure). Because the Alt or
    Option key is down, Photoshop subtracts the new shape from
    the previous one. The result is a star-shaped white stroke.

  2. Click the arrow tool in the toolbox. Or press the A key to select
    the black arrow, which Photoshop calls the path selection tool.
    As you saw in Lesson 10, it permits you to select and modify
    path outlines. Here, we’ll use it to select the path that defines
    our shape layer

  3. Select both inner and outer star paths. Click one of the star
    paths to select it. Then press the Shift key and click the other
    star. Photoshop selects both paths.

  4. Transform and duplicate the star. Press Ctrl+Alt+T (�-Option-T
    on the Mac) to duplicate the selected star paths and enter the
    free transform mode. As usual, you have to take on faith that
    you’ve duplicated the star because, for the moment, the cloned
    paths exactly overlap the originals.

Figure 11-31.

398 Lesson 11: Text and Shapes

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