Adobe Photoshop CS5 One-on-One

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

  1. Review the metadata. The Metadata panel starts off with the
    metadata placard. Detailed in Figure 1-25, the placard lists
    the most essential information about a photograph in the way
    it might be presented by a digital camera. A blank (--) means
    that the information is missing or isn’t available in a way the
    placard understands. For example, I didn’t use any exposure
    compensation when I shot this image.

Figure 1-26.

Figure 1-25.


ISO speed rating

Shutter speed

White balance



Color mode


Color profile

File size

Below the placard, you’ll see a few metadata categories that
you can open or close by twirling the ▶ to the left of each one.
Pictured in the elongated Figure 1-26, the categories you are
most likely to use often are as follows:

  • File Properties houses the most elemental image specifica-
    tions, such as the name of the file, the date it was last modi-
    fied, the height and width in pixels, and other attributes
    that have been listed in the header of digital images since
    the early years of personal computing.

  • IPTC Core comes from the International Press Telecom-
    munications Council, a group in charge of standardizing
    the inclusion of credits and instructions in the field of
    photojournalism. The tiny pencils next to the IPTC items
    indicate that you can edit the metadata, as we shall in Step
    9. The Core part is there only to distinguish this recent up-
    date from the format’s earlier versions.

  • Camera Data (EXIF) describes the inception of your pho-
    tograph as witnessed by a digital camera. EXIF stands for
    Exchangeable Image File, supported by virtually every
    digital camera sold today. The EXIF data for this particular
    photograph tells us, among other things, that it was shot
    with my Olympus E-30, I used Auto exposure and white
    balance settings, and the flash did not fire.

Using Metadata 27

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