Adobe Photoshop CS5 One-on-One

(やまだぃちぅ) #1
To monitor the angle of the rotation, choose Window→Info or
press the F8 key to display the Info panel. Then note the angle
value (A) in the upper-right corner of the panel. I finally settled
on an angle of –6.1 degrees, as pictured in Figure 2-19 on the
preceding page.

You may notice that Photoshop rotates the boundary
around a central origin point, labeled in that same figure.
To rotate around a different spot, drag the origin from the
center of the boundary to the desired location.

  1. Move and scale the crop boundary. Drag inside the crop
    boundary to move it. Drag the crop outline or one of the
    eight square handles surrounding the crop boundary to
    scale it (that is, change its size). Also worth noting:

    • Press the Shift key while dragging a corner handle to
      scale the boundary by the same percentage horizon-
      tally and vertically.

    • Press the Alt key (Option on the Mac) while dragging
      to scale the boundary with respect to the origin point.
      In other words, the corners move but the origin stays
      fixed in place. It’s a great way to scale an image with
      respect to a specific location.
      I sized the boundary to expose about 100 pixels of shoulder
      on either side of the woman’s blouse, and moved the bot-
      tom edge about 100 pixels below the necklace, as shown
      in Figure 2-20. I also moved the top edge high enough to
      expose some hair—so she’s not all forehead—which results
      in an empty wedge in the top-right corner, labeled in the
      figure. This wedge is all background, making it relatively
      easy to fix, as you’ll soon see.

  2. Apply your changes. Click the on the right side of the
    options bar or press the Enter or Return key to accept
    your changes. Photoshop crops away the pixels outside
    the boundary and rotates the image upright.

By which I mean, Photoshop rotates the image to match the
rotated view, as witnessed by the left image in Figure 2-21 on
the facing page. To restore the view to its standard upright self,
select the rotate view tool and click the Reset View button in the
options bar. Or better yet, don’t switch tools, just press the Esc
key. Either way, you’ll end up with the upright image on the right
side of Figure 2-21.

Empty wedge

Figure 2-20.

50 Lesson 2: Straighten, Crop, and Size
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