Advanced Rails - Building Industrial-Strength Web Apps in Record Time

(Tuis.) #1
Replacing Rails Components | 277

Then we can build the Glue and Og (and, optionally, Raw and Nitro) libraries into
gems and install them:

$ cd glue/
$ gem build glue.gemspec
$ sudo gem install glue-0.50.0.gem
$ cd ../og/
$ gem build og.gemspec
$ sudo gem install og-0.50.0.gem
$ cd ../raw/
$ gem build raw.gemspec
$ sudo gem install raw-0.50.0.gem
$ cd ../nitro/
$ gem build nitro.gemspec
$ sudo gem install nitro-0.50.0.gem

To update the beta gem to the latest source, you can later rundarcs
pullfrom thenitroprojectdirectory. Then recheck the Facets depen-
dency, and run the preceding code again to rebuild and reinstall the
latest gems.

Verify that the Og gem is correctly installed:

$ gem list --local og

*** LOCAL GEMS ***

og (0.50.0)
State of the art object-relational mapping system

Using Og with Rails. We will use a custom Rails initializer to load Og and work around
a few of its Rails incompatibilities. All Ruby files inconfig/initializersare loaded auto-
matically on Rails startup, so this is a perfect place to start Og. Here is the initializer:


1. Require our custom edge version of Og

gem 'og', '=0.50.0'

# 2. Work around the RubyGems / Dependencies version of require
class Object
alias_method :require_with_rubygems, :require
alias_method :require, :gem_original_require

require_with_rubygems 'og'

# Restore the Dependencies require for future require calls
alias_method :require, :require_with_rubygems

# 3. Define autoload path so the model can find the Orderable mixin.
# This is relative to $LOAD_PATH, which includes the lib path in the og
# gem directory.
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