c. 1387 Church
redesigned as
Gothic hall-
church by
Sigismund of
1945 Church is severely damaged
by German and Soviet armies
Holy figures on the pulpit
1526 Cathedral burnt
in the first attack by
the Ottomans
The richly
decorated pulpit
of the church
includes the intri-
cately carved stone
figures of the four
Holy Fathers of the
Church and the
four Evangelists.
. Tomb of King Béla III
and Anne de Châtillon
The remains of this royal
couple were transferred from
Székesfehérvár Cathedral to
Mátyás Church in 1860. They lie
beneath an ornamental stone
canopy in the Trinity Chapel.
This beautiful
stained glass
depicting Christ
the Lamb, is
from one of the
three arched
windows on the
south elevation.
. Mary Portal
This depiction of the Assumption of
the Blessed Virgin Mary is the most
magnificent example of Gothic
stone carving in Hungary. Frigyes
Schulek reconstructed the portal
from fragments.
The main altar,
created by Frigyes
Schulek, was based
on Gothic triptychs.
Szentháromság tér 2. Map B2.
Tel (01) 489 0716. @ Várbusz.
# 9am–5pm Mon–Fri, 9am–
noon Sat, 1–5pm Sun. & 7
Museum # 9am–5pm Sun–Fri.
The roof is
decorated with
glazed tiles.
1250 1350 1450 1550 1650 1750 1850 1950
1458 Thanksgiving mass
following the coronation of
Mátyás Corvinus
1541 Ottomans
convert church into
a mosque
1686 After liberation of Buda
from Ottoman rule, church is
almost destroyed. New church
built with a Baroque interior
1970 Final
details are
in postwar
1896 Frigyes Schulek
completes the recon-
struction of the church
in Neo-Gothic style
1470 Mátyás Tower
is rebuilt after its
collapse in 1384
1255 Church originally
founded by King Béla IV
after the Mongol invasion
1309 Coronation of
the Angevin king
Charles Robert