Back Roads Germany (Dk Eyewitness Travel Back Roads)

(Tina Sui) #1


4 Güstrow
Mecklenburg-Lower Pomerania; 18273
The old town in Güstrow is dominated
by its 16th-century Schloss (Apr–Oct:
open daily; Nov–Mar: closed Mon), built
by the Italian architect Franz Parr.
Highlights include its banquet hall
with strik ing stucco hunting scenes.
Among its glass and antiques is the
Menagerie series that Flemish artist
Maerten de Vos (1532–1603) created
at the height of the Age of Exploration.
The nearby Dom contains the tombs
of the palace’s founder, Duke Ulrich,
and his two wives. This early-Gothic
basilica has a bronze angel by Ernst
Barlach, Germany’s fin est Expressionist
sculptor. His work can also be seen in
Gertrudenkapelle (Gertrude Chapel)
(open daily) and Atelierhaus, 2 miles
(3 km) east of Güstrow.
ª From the parking lot, return to
the main road and turn left onto
Goldberger Strasse. Turn right onto
Plauer Strasse for the B104. In
Teterow, take the B108 to Burg Schlitz.


Tourist Information
Schlossplatz 3, 17237 Hohenzieritz;
039824 25 20; http://www.nationalpark-
Nationalpark Informationshaus,
17192 Federow, 17192; 03991 66 88 49;
Boat Rental
Charterpoint Müritz Grosse;
Burgstrasse 1, 17192, Waren; 03991 16
55 59;

Right Dom in the town of Güstrow


Winged Wonders
Renowned for its birdlife, the Müritz-
Nationalpark is a popular desti nation
for those who want to spot the
ospreys and sea eagles that breed
here. Visitors can get informa tion
about sightings from the park
center at Federow where there is an
observa tion station. The spectacular
avian show in the second half of
October should not be missed.
Thousands of cranes can be seen
migrating south. The marsh land
around the Rederangsee, south of
Federow, is a favorite roosting area.


Burg Schlitz expensive
Housed in Count Schlitz’s Neo-Classical
palace, this hotel has rooms deco rated
with Biedermeier furnishings.
Hohen Demzin, 17166; 03996 127 00;

Kleines Meer moderate
Situated near the waterfront, this
friendly hotel is decorated in calm
neutral colors.
Alter Markt 7, 17192 Waren (2 miles/
3 km north of Müritz-Nationalpark);
03991 64 80;

chapel is the Secessionist nymph
fountain, cast in 1903 for a Berlin
department store. A copy of the foun-
tain stands in New York’s Central Park.
ª Continue south on the B108 to
Waren; drive into Zentrum for parking
lots around the harbor.

6 Müritz-Nationalpark
Mecklenburg-Lower Pomerania; 17192
Covering an area of 124 sq miles
(322 sq km), the Müritz-Nationalpark
is famous for its birdlife and boating
facilities. Foreign visitors, however,
have not yet discovered the tiny
glacial lakes, forests, and abundant
birdlife of this sparsely populated and
quiet backwater destination.
A half-timbered town on the north
shore of the Müritzsee (Lake Müritz),
Waren is an ideal base for tourists
with its beaches, hiking, and boating
options (03991 153 40; http://www.mueritz- At 44 sq miles (115 sq km),
Müritzsee is Germany’s largest lake
after Constance. Visitors can find a
bench at the harbor and enjoy the
bustle as motorboats and small
yachts tie up at the wharf or embark
on a cruise on the lake ( Weisse Flotte
Muritz, Kietzstrasse 17; 03991 12 26 68; aboard a

5 Burg Schlitz
Mecklenburg-Lower Pomerania; 17166
Nicknamed “Mecklenburg Switzerland”
due to its low moraine hills, the munic-
i pality of Hohen Demzin is known for
its palaces, the grandest of which is
the Neo-Classical Burg Schlitz. Built
in the 1820s for Count Schlitz, it is now
a luxury hotel that stands within beau-
tifully landscaped parkland. Near its

Below left Back road to Waren Below
right Baroque town church in Neustrelitz
Bottom Gently rolling countryside, Gϋstrow
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