Belgium and Luxembourg (Eyewitness Travel Guides)

(WallPaper) #1


the Musée d’Archéologie et
du Folklore, housed in an
18th-century townhouse,
with antique furnishings and
a lace collection.

E Centre Touristique de la
Laine et de la Mode
Rue de la Chapelle 24-30. Tel (087)

  1. 10am–5pm Tue–Sun.

    & 9 7
    P Musée des Beaux-Arts et
    de la Céramique
    Rue Renier 17. Tel (087) 331695.

    2–5pm Mon, Wed and Sat,

    3–6pm Sun. &

Spa q

28 km (17 miles) SE of Liège.
Road Map E3. * 10,500. £ @
n Place Royale 41; (087) 795353.

The heyday of Spa was in the
18th and 19th centuries, when
the well-to-do came here to
take the waters, turning the
town’s name into a generic
term for water therapy. Spa
retains a leisurely grandeur,
with its Neo-Classical Hôtel de
Ville, the original, now dis-
used baths and the casino. Six
springs can still be visited,
including the Pouhon Pierre-
le-Grand, housed in an
elegant stone pavilion built in

  1. The modern Thermes
    de Spa (Baths) are at the top
    of a hill, accessed by cable
    railway. Spa also has three
    intriguing museums. Sharing
    the same location at the Villa
    Royale are Musée de la Ville
    d’Eaux and Musée Spadois du
    Cheval: the former has a col-
    lection of antique, intricately
    painted wooden souvenirs
    (jolités), while the latter is
    devoted to horse-racing and
    carriages. The enterprising
    Musée de la Lessive takes a
    historical look at laundry.

 Thermes de Spa
Colline d’Annette et Lubin.
Tel (087) 772560. # daily. &
P Villa Royale
Avenue Reine Astrid 77b.
Tel (087) 774486. # Sat–Mon.
¢ Dec–Feb. & 7
E Musée de la Lessive
Waux-Hall, R de la Géronstière 10.
Tel (087) 771418. # Jul–Aug: 2–
6pm daily; Apr–Mar: weekends. &

Limbourg 8

27 km (17 miles) E of Liège.
Road Map E2. * 6,000. £ @

Set on a rocky spur above
a hairpin bend in the River
Vesdre, Limbourg developed
after 1033 as the fortified cap-
ital of the Duchy of Limburg,
a historic region between the
Meuse and the city of Aachen.
As the vestiges of the city walls
testify, Limbourg was a military
stronghold, besieged on many
occasions – notably in 1578
by the Spanish, in 1675 by
French king Louis XIV and in
1715 by the Austrians. Today,
the upper town – where little
has changed since the 18th
century – is picturesque, with
tree-lined cobbled streets and
window boxes full of flowers.

Verviers 9

20 km (12 miles) E of Liège.
Road Map E3. * 53,000. £ @
n Maison du Tourisme du Pays de
Vesdre, Rue Jules Cerexhe 86; (087)


Straddling the River Vesdre,
which was vital to the textile
industry, Verviers is adorned
with numerous fountains and
water features, and calls itself
the Walloon Capital of Water.
Belgium’s industrial revolution
began here in 1799, when the
English entrepreneur William
Cockerill (1859–1932) estab-
lished steam-powered woollen
textile mills. This history is
remembered in the exhibits of
Centre Touristique de la Laine
et de la Mode, set out in a
restored Neo-Classical wool
factory. The Musée des
Beaux-Arts et de la Céramique
has a major collection of por-
celain and art. There is also

Theux 0

20 km (12 miles) SE of Liège. Road
Map E3. * 11,000. £ @ http://www.

The attractive town of Theux
developed in the shadow of
the medieval Château de
Franchimont. The town was
sacked by Charles the Bold,
Duke of Burgundy, in 1468,
during his conquest of Liège.
The castle was reinforced in
the 16th century by Erard de
la Marck, Prince-Bishop of
Liège, but fell into ruin after
the 1780s. Theux is also noted
for its remarkable Église
Sts-Hermès-et-Alexandre. A
hall-church built from the 9th-
century onwards in Gothic and
Romanesque styles, its naves
have rare, painted, flat ceilings.

Banneux, 6 km (4 miles) to
the west, is a major pilgrimage
site, where in 1933 appari-
tions of the Virgin of the Poor
revealed a healing spring to
11-year-old Mariette Beco.

E Château de Franchimont
Allée du Château. Tel (087)

  1. Apr–Oct. & 9 -

One of many picturesque fountains
in the original spa town

Moated entrance to the atmospheric ruins of Château de Franchimont

For hotels and restaurants in this region see pp271–3 and pp297–9

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