Belgium and Luxembourg (Eyewitness Travel Guides)

(WallPaper) #1
North Sea mussels


Anguilles au vert Eel in a
thick green sauce of fresh
herbs, particularly chervil.
Asperges à la flamande
Boiled white asparagus with
chopped hard-boiled egg.
Carbonnades flamandes
Rich beef stew with beer.
Chicon Belgian endive
(chicory). Chicons au gratin
are wrapped in ham and
cooked in cheese sauce.
Coucou de Malines
Mechelen cuckoo. A type of
chicken, often braised with
beer and chicons.
Crevettes grises Tiny but
tasty North Sea shrimps.
Croque monsieur Toasted
cheese and ham sandwich.
Escavèche Fish cooked in
a herb-flavoured stock.
Faisan à la brabançonne
Pheasant baked with chicon.
Flamiche au poireaux
Quiche-like leek tart.
Frites Chips/fries.
Jets d’houblon Hop shoots
in a creamy sauce.
Moules Mussels.

Plateau de fruits de mer
Platter of mixed seafood.
Salade liègeoise Warm
potato, bacon, and green
bean or frisée lettuce salad.
Steak à l’américaine Minced
raw steak (tartare).


Aardappelen Potatoes.
Asperges op vlaamse wijze
see Asperges à la flamande.
Boterham Sandwich.
Friet/frietjes Chips/fries.
Garnaalkroketten Deep-
fried shrimp croquettes.
Gentse hutsepot Meat stew
with winter vegetables.
Karbonaden see
Carbonnades flamandes.
Konijn Rabbit.
Kreeft Lobster.
Mechelse koekkoek see
Coucou de Malines.
Noordsee vissoep Thick
soup of North Sea fish.
Op zijn Brussels In Brussels
style: with chicons or beer.
Paling in’t groen see
Anguilles au vert.
Pannekoek Pancake.
schelpen Scallops.
Stoemp Potato mashed with

chopped vegetables
or meat.
Tonijn Tuna.
Vlaamse stoverij see
Carbonnades flamandes.
Waterzooi Chicken or fish
poached in a creamy broth.
Wild Game.
Witloof see Chicon.
Zalm Salmon.


Brennesselszopp Soup
made with nettle tips.
F’rell am Reisleck Trout
in Riesling wine sauce.
Friture de la Moselle
Deep-fried freshwater fish.
Deep-fried potato cake,
with onions and parsley.
Gromperenzopp Potato
soup with leeks.
Judd mat Gaardebounen
see opposite page.
Kriibsen crayfish.
Lëtzebuerger Grillwurscht
Small spicy sausage, also
known as Thüringer.
Quetscheflued Plum tart.
Sauerkraut Shredded,
pickled cabbage.
Stäerzelen Buckwheat


Signage offering a fixed-price
menu, often very good value

Dining outside at a fish restaurant near the Grand Place in Brussels

Reading the Menu

It is worth avoiding tourist restaurants that display menus in
English, but many of the best eateries supply translations of
their dishes, or have staff on hand who can translate for
customers. Belgian cooking is modelled on French cui-
sine, so those who are familiar with common culinary
terms will have little problem with menus in Brussels
and Wallonia, or even in Luxembourg. In Flanders,
menus are often in Dutch, but someone can usually provide
an explanation. The list below covers dishes typical of both
countries, as well as words commonly seen on menus.

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