Marketing Communications

(Ron) #1

Fanta or Lipton Ice Tea. Th is is their top-of-mind brand awareness. In an unaided context,
people may recall several brands spontaneously. Th is is brand recall or unaided spontaneous
awareness. But it is also possible that people recognise a brand by its package, colour, logo,
etc. Th is is brand recognition or aided awareness. Aided brand awareness is of course less
diffi cult to achieve. Less repetition and thus smaller investments are needed to establish it than
brand name recall. Research has shown that the correlation between recall and recognition is
on average 50%. Buyers will be better able to recognise brands than to recall brand names
spontaneously.^5 On the other hand, brand recall is not a guarantee that the buyer will recognise
the brand in a shop.

Photo 5.1 Coral Black Velvet: innovations
call for communicating category needs
Source : Reproduced with permission of Gesamtverband
Werbeagenturen GWA and J. Walter Thompson.

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