Marketing Communications

(Ron) #1

communications eff ect at all. Even if communications eff ort is zero, there will be a certain level
of sales, and a minimum investment is needed to enjoy any results of the communications
programme and to increase sales. When that level is reached, sales will start to increase with
incremental communications expenditures. Th e higher the investments, the greater the addi-
tional sales will be. At point A, increased investments start to lead to smaller changes in sales.
It is impossible, even with very high communications investments, to exceed a certain satura-
tion level of sales. Th is is due to the market and the cultural and competitive environment.
Exorbitant communications investments may even lead to negative eff ects, such as irritation
and consumer resistance.^3
Estimating the relationship between the communications budget or eff ort and sales or
market share is not easy. First of all, marketing communications are not the only marketing
mix instrument infl uencing sales. Prices, product line decisions and changes in the distribu-
tion strategy will also infl uence sales. Furthermore, an eff ective marketing mix implies that
synergy and interaction exist between the various marketing tools. In a well-designed mar-
keting plan each tool reinforces another. A communications plan may lead to better results if
the distribution strategy is optimised or the price is lowered. A rearrangement of the product
line may result in more eff ective communications, etc. As a result of this interaction, it is very

Figure 6.1 Concave sales response model

Figure 6.2 The S-shaped sales response model

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