Marketing Communications

(Ron) #1


  1. Using Tables 6.4 and 6.5 , carry out a share of voice/
    share of market analysis of the automobile industry for
    2008, 2009, 2010 and 2011. Indicate the profit-taking
    car makes and the investment makes for each year.
    Do they match the leaders and followers in this

  2. Study the figures of German car manufacturers BMW
    and Audi. What budgeting method would you assume

they are using: a percentage of sales method or a com-
petitive parity method? Why do you think this?

  1. Suppose you want to launch the Smart brand on the
    Belgian market. Your goal is to capture a market share of
    1.5% by the year 2011. What budget would you suggest
    to reach this goal? Consider two methods: the A/S ratio
    method on the one hand and Peckham’s law on the

  2. What factors might influence advertising budgets in the
    car industry?

Sources : ACEA economic report for year 2011, ; Febiac, Thanks to Wendy Van Dyck, Communication Channel Expert, Space
Brussels, for providing advertising budgets of the car industry.



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