database are personal data, including NAP (name, address, phone and e-mail, age), transaction
(purchase history) data and communications (received mailings, incentives, marketing actions
and reactions) data. The database could also indicate which products, company departments
and salespeople are involved with a certain marketing action. In fact, a database stores three
kinds of data: market information, relationship data and company data (Figure 13.5).
There are two possible sources of data:^48 internal and external. Most companies already
have the basic information needed to start a database:^49 order and invoice information, such as
customer names, addresses, account numbers, purchase data, method of payment, etc. These
customer files are internal data which may be the first basis to start up a database. External
data are all types of lists compiled outside the company which can be bought or hired for
direct marketing purposes. Examples are subscriber lists of newspapers and magazines, or
databases segmented on lifestyle and consumption habits.
In the UK, Intelligent Lemon, a creative and design company, released early in 2009 two
new consumer databases through Wyvern Direct Response, a direct marketing services
company. Travellers Content and Ladies Gossip are two fast-growing member websites. They
attract over 2000 new members per month. Both have postal, e-mail, landline and mobile
data available as well as date of birth, gender, number of children and segmentation levels.
All data are fully opted in with third-party permissions for each data item. In total, 100 000
Travellers Content members and 61 000 Ladies Gossip members are being released.50,51
The success of any direct marketing campaign depends heavily on the quality and structure
of the database used. The effectiveness of direct marketing campaigns will increase with
Figure 13.5 The marketing database
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