Marketing Communications

(Ron) #1

review questions

  1. What is direct marketing?

  2. What are the typical characteristics of direct marketing communications, and to what
    extent do they differ from mass marketing communications?

  3. What are the main challenges that direct marketers will face in the near future?

  4. What are the objectives and tasks of direct marketing communications?

  5. How can mass media advertising be used in a direct marketing communications campaign?

  6. Compare the various media and tools of addressable direct marketing communications.
    What are the advantages and disadvantages of each tool?

  7. What are QR-codes and how can they be integrated into the different direct marketing

  8. What is the β€˜new’ role of catalogues?

  9. How important is a database for direct marketing communications and how can it be

  10. What are the stages in the evolution of database marketing use?

  11. What is the importance of relationship marketing and how can direct marketing
    commun ications techniques contribute to customer loyalty?

  12. How can the RFM-model be used to measure the effectiveness of a direct marketing

commun ications campaigns. Depending on the sophistication of data collection and data
use, five types of databases and direct marketing techniques can be distinguished. Given the
fact that keeping existing customers loyal is far less expensive than gaining new customers,
relationship marketing, using databases and direct marketing techniques, becomes increasingly
important. Based on database information on customer response to previous campaigns,
several techniques, such as the RFM-model, have been developed to assess the effectiveness
of direct marketing communications campaigns.

Further reading

Alpert, J. (2012), The Mobile Marketing Revolution: How Your Brand Can Have a One-to-One
Conversation with Everyone. New York: McGraw-Hill Professional.
Bird, D. (2007), Common Sense Direct Marketing and Digital, 5th edition. London: Kogan Page.
Peppers, D. and Rogers, M. (2011), Managing Customer Relationships: A Strategic Framework.
Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.
Spiller, L., and Baier, M. (2012), Contemporary Direct and Interactive Marketing, 3rd edition.
Chicago: Racom Communications.
Tapp, A. (2008), Principles of Direct and Database Marketing, 4th edition. Harlom: Financial
Times/Prentice Hall.
Thomas, B. and Housden, M. (2011), Direct and Digital Marketing in Practice, 2nd edition.
London: A&C Black.
Zoratti, S. and Gallagher, L. (2012), Precision Marketing: Maximizing Revenue Through Relevance.
London: Kogan Page.

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