Local brands oft en have a long tradition in specifi c countries and are oft en market leaders
in their home country. Th umbs Up is the leading soft drink in India leaving Coca-Cola
behind; Efes Pilsen and Cola Turka are leading in Turkey; Valentine is a more powerful paint
brand in France than Dulux; Dreft is a powerful detergent brand and Côte d’Or a very attrac-
tive chocolate brand in Belgium and the Netherlands; Larios was leader in the Spanish gin
market when it was bought by Pernod-Ricard. DBS has a 30% market share in the Norwegian
bicycle sector while Crescent accounts for 20% of the Swedish bicycle sector and Kildamoës
has 15% of the Danish market. Local brands benefi t, among other things, from (1) the deep-
rooted and powerful bond that has been established with local consumers (i.e. consumers
oft en buy the brand their parents bought), (2) being perfectly adapted to unique local tastes
or needs, (3) local operational and logistical advantages and (4) strong community ties. Th ese
local brands are very attractive for global companies, and more and more global companies
extend their brand portfolio with local brands.^34
Photo 2.1 HSBC: A global brand with a local touch
Source : Getty Images: AFP.
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