Barron\'s - 09.03.2020

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

18 BARRON’S March9,

which meant their prices would be

headed higher.

In the early 1980s, Ed Yardeni

forecast “hat size” yields, somewhere

in the range of 7% to 8%, or about

half the peak levels of the time. Now,

the founder of Yardeni Research ex-

presses wonder at the existence of

“ring size” bond yields. He acknowl-

edges that he borrowed the “hat-size

bond yields” phrase from Van Hois-

ington, who manages institutional

accounts and the Wasatch-Hoising-

ton U.S. Treasury fund (ticker:


Lacy Hunt, Hoisington Investment

Management’s chief economist, still

sees the trend toward lower bond

rates as intact.

Long-term interest rates are the

product of the real yield (what’s left

after adjusting for inflation) and infla-

tion expectations, he explains. Both

have been coming down for more than

two decades. Inflation expectations

tracked by the University of Michi-

gan’s consumer survey have declined

to a record low.

Real rates, meanwhile, have been

moving steadily lower, owing to

slower economic growth, which in

turn has been the result of the buildup

of debt, which Hunt contends has

been a drag on growth rather than a

stimulant. Japan and Europe, where

short- and intermediate-term rates are

negative, are more extreme examples.

In the event of a mild recession,

Hunt sees inflation falling by 200 to

300 basis points (or two to three

percentage points). With the core

personal consumption expenditure

deflator, the Federal Reserve’s pre-

ferred inflation gauge that omits

food and energy costs, currently

rising at a 1.3% annual rate in the

most recent three months, any kind

of downturn will result in deflation,

with a commensurate decline in in-

terest rates.

But as rates move toward the zero

lower bound, Hunt says the evidence

shows it is counterproductive for the

economy. “The banking system and

other intermediaries can’t function

with yields and yield spreads so

puny,” he says.

To be sure, yields can rise and pro-

duce volatility over the short-term —

which Hoisington’s investors may ex-

pect during some periods, Hunt warns.

That’s a risk that is especially acute

now, says Jim Kochan, a bond-market

veteran who is an adjunct professor of

finance at the University of Wisconsin

at Milwaukee, and formerly chief

fixed-income strategist at Wells

Fargo’s asset-management arm.

“Investor psychology feels almost

the complete opposite of 1979-81,”

Kochan says. These days, investors are

clamoring for bonds yielding 1% or

less, just as they shunned them at 14%

to 15% then. What’s not understood

well is the bond math that makes

them so much riskier now.

Specifically, a 30-year bond has a

duration of 23 years, which makes it

far more volatile for the same change

in interest rates than in past eras

when yields were higher. A 100-basis-

point rise in yield would mean a 23%

decline in the current long Treasury

bond’s price. Conversely, if the 30-

year yield were to fall from 1.5% to

1%, that would produce a gain of 10 to

12 points in price—“which is not

something I would count on,” Kochan


As a result, he counsels that inves-

tors seek cash equivalents, such as

money-market funds or Treasury

bills, even if it means missing a final

move down in bond yields.

Moreover, he notes that stock divi-

dends offer higher yields than bonds,

including the debt of the same com-

pany in many cases. That also looks

more tempting to Dan Fuss, Loomis

Sayles vice chairman and bond man-

ager whose experience stretches back

six decades. That was the case last

year, when he said he was buying

AT&T(T) common shares for the

Loomis Sayles Bondfund (LSBRX).

They yielded more than the telecom

company’s debt.

Fuss has now been less tempted by

corporate bonds, his portfolios’ main

staple, owing in part to a lack of li-

quidity in the market. Instead, he has

been emphasizing short-term Trea-

suries, despite their low yield, in

hopes of being an opportunistic

buyer of bonds at lower prices.

Long-term Treasuries also hold

little allure for David Kotok, head of

Cumberland Advisors. The yield on

the S&P 500 index of 1.86%, he fig-

ures, ought to provide a return over

the next three decades vastly better

than the Treasury long bond, albeit

with significantly more volatility.

Kotok doesn’t want to put all of his

clients’ eggs in one basket, however.

For their fixed-income portfolios, new

money is being directed to cash, even

though it will be earning only about

1%, rather than the 1.5% before the

Fed’s 50-basis-point rate cut this past

week. “It’s strictly valuation; I don’t

want to own any 10-year bond yield-

ing less than 1%,” given the risk of

price declines from a reversal in

yields, Kotok says.

Yet other bond veterans contend

that insurance, rather than income, is

the reason to own risk-free govern-

ment securities. Robert Kessler, who

heads the Denver-based asset man-

ager bearing his name, says, “If you’re

not hedging a portfolio with Treasur-

ies right now, you’re just being silly.”B


With Bonds

Even as They

Near Zero

These longtime bond bulls say

Treasuries still offer insurance

and some price appreciation.

But there are risks.

Source: Bloomberg

1990 ’95 2000 ’05 ’10 ’15 ’







How Low Can It Go?

Over the last 30 years, the yield on the benchmark 10-year Treasury note has fallen from above 8% to less than 1%.

10-Year Treasury Yield

“If you’re

not hedging

a portfolio



right now,

you’re just

being silly.”

Robert Kessler


ond Yields Hit Record

Lows” is a headline

that has been used

repeatedly as Trea-

sury yields fall below

previously unimagi-

nable levels. First, the

30-year bond yield fell past 2%; then,

in the past week, the benchmark 10-

year note crashed through 1%.

A few market veterans also recall

bond-market records at the opposite

end, when long-term government se-

curities topped 15% in the early 1980s.

And even fewer stuck their necks out

then to declare that, after more than

three decades of rising yields and fall-

ing bond prices, investors should no

longer shun bonds.

Today, some of these early and pre-

scient bond bulls still think that inves-

tors should continue to hold on to

their bonds even after yields have

plunged to 0.74% for the 10-year note

or 1.29% for the 30-year bond in a

manic flight to quality due to fears

over the impact of the coronavirus.

Others see more risk in these low

returns, if yields were to reverse their

recent, stunning decline.

A. Gary Shilling, the economist and

newsletter author, is one of the origi-

nal bond superbulls and remains posi-

tive on long-term Treasuries. “I never

bought bonds for yield,” he said. “I

always bought them for the same rea-

son as stocks, for price appreciation.”

He professed not to care about their

yield as long as it was headed lower,


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