Barron\'s - 09.03.2020

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

26 BARRON’S March9,2020

Opportunity Commission.

Although women account for more

of the industry’s senior leaders, a

closer look shows that many are filling

corporate functions—humanre-

sources, general counsel, investor re-

lations—rather than the revenue-gen-

erating businesses that tend to be the

proving ground for roles like chief

executive or money manager.

“Those are good jobs. But if you

don’t touch the money, you are in a

different category,” says Nori Gerardo

Lietz, a veteran real-estate investor

and founder of real-estate advisory

firm Areté Capital. She also teaches at

Harvard Business School.

In an analysis by Equilar of the five

highest-paid positions at companies in

the Russell 3000 index, financial ser-

vices had less than 10% of women in

these roles—making it the third-worst

industry of 11, after energy and com-

munication services. Within finance,

banking has made the most progress:

Women account for 26% of the top

five highest-paid positions in that

subgroup, up from 11% in 2010.

Just 5% of S&P 500 index compa-

nies had a woman at the helm in 2019,

and corporate executive committees

were less gender diverse than in 2018,

according to a new report from Bank

of America.

In private markets, the percentage

of women in senior positions hasn’t

breached the midteens. Venture capi-

tal looks the best, with 13.4% of

women holding high positions, while

real estate looks the worst at 8.5%,

according to a Preqin study. A record

number of women—54—became part-

ners last year at venture-capital firms

with more than $25 million in assets,

though two-thirds of such firms still

don’t have even one female partner,

according to diversity and inclusion

nonprofit All Raise.

Those trends are reflected on the

other side of the equation, as well.

Last year, female-founded start-ups

attracted just 2.7% of venture capital,

according to PitchBook. Morgan Stan-

ley estimates that venture capital

could be leaving $4 trillion on the ta-

ble by not investing more in women-

and minority-owned businesses. More

women writing checks could make a

difference: Studies have shown that

women are twice as likely to invest in

companies with female founders and

three times as likely to allocate money

to firms with a female CEO.

In some instances, the situation has

worsened. Only 11% of U.S. fund man-

agers were women in 2019, below the

global average of 14% and worse than

the 13.9% in 2000, according to a new

report from Morningstar. The number

of funds has exploded over the past

two decades, but the net total of

women entering the industry has

stayed static, says Madison Sargis,

associate director of quantitative

research at Morningstar.

Coming into an industry with so

few women presents challenges.

Laura Geritz, a veteran fund manager

who founded female-owned Rondure

Global Advisors, says she was told

early in her career that she should act

more masculine in order to succeed.

“I had to adapt my personality over

the years to survive,” Geritz recalls. “I

even gamed my score on the Myers-

Briggs test so I would test the most

like a very dominant male chief invest-

ment officer at one of my past firms.”

As it stands, women manage just

1.6% of mutual-fund assets. That’s

despite numerous studies that have

shown their performance is no worse

than their male peers and, in some

instances, even better. For example, a

2016 paper co-authored by Northeast-

ern University professors Rajesh Ag-

Women In

Finance Are

Rising—At Last

The industry’s gender gap is narrowing as the

benefits of diversity become apparent.


studies show

that more

women in


can produce





he members of the


100 Most Influen-

tial Women in U.S.

Finance list are

impressive for their

numerous achieve-

ments. But their accomplishments are

even more remarkable in an industry

that has been slow to fix the dearth of

women in powerful roles.

There has been some notable

change. Executives have made great

strides in acknowledging the problem.

Nearly every financial industry con-

ference features a panel on diversity

issues, with executives discussing

initiatives to move the needle. More

research is making the case for gender

diversity, and institutional investors,

such as pension funds, are keeping it

in mind as they allocate money.

That’s leading to some progress.

Women now account for 22% of corpo-

rate board members, twice the figure in

2000, according to Morningstar. Tiny

cracksare emerging in the male-domi-

nated club of venture capital, as some of

the biggest firms add female partners.

“There is more will when there are

more women,” Kristalina Georgieva,

the managing director of the Interna-

tional Monetary Fund, tellsBarron’s,

about the acceleration of progress.

The numbers, however, don’t yet live

up to the industry talk. As of 2018,

roughly 30% of senior officials and

managers in the finance and insurance

industries were women—roughly

31,000—up slightly from 29% five

years ago, according to the latest data

from the U.S. Equal Employment


Hanna Barczyk
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