Barron\'s - 09.03.2020

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

30 BARRON’S March9,2020


Talking With Bill Nolinand Tom Rozycki,

Managers, Principal Blue Chip

think long-term and have significant insider ownership.

“Most of corporate America is not run that way,” he says.

“Especially, mid-cap and large-cap companies are run by

what we call cash-paid-for CEOs: people who don’t have a

large ownership stake and are mostly paid employees. At

such companies there is a strong pressure from Wall Street

to get results immediately.” Such short-termism leads to

executive decisions “that aren’t good for the business, but

good for the CEO” who is seeking a quarterly bonus.

But Nolin’s results are unquestionable. Blue Chip’s 14.8%

five-year annualized return beats 94% of its peers in Morn-

ingstar’s Large Growth category, as well as the 13.3% return

of its benchmark, the Russell 1000 Growth Index. And it

has done this with less volatility than both. Nolin also runs

the olderPrincipal MidCap(PEMGX), now closed to new

investors, which has trounced 97% of its peers in the past

Photograph byBARRETT EMKE


hen Bill Nolin was in elementary school,

his father quit his job to start a steel-fabri-

cation business. “This business was in our

lives daily, whether it was my mom run-

ning the accounts, or my dad coming

home at 5:30 p.m. with the pickup truck

loaded with boxes to ship or me helping

him put on the labels that my mom had prepared and

going to the UPS store,” says the manager ofPrincipal

Blue Chip(ticker: PBLAX). The business wasn’t just a

job to his parents. “It was something they loved; a pas-

sion or calling,” he says. “And they worked on it 24-7.”

Nolin, 51, seeks that kind of “owner-operator” pas-

sion from the executives of the companies in his fund.

He invests in businesses still run by their founders, or at

least where executives behave like founders—those who



Who Act

Like Owners

March9,2020 BARRON’S 31

decade. (Although Blue Chip carries a 5.50%

load, large brokers such as Fidelity and TD

Ameritrade often waive that commission.)

Nolin is chief investment officer of an

11-member boutique subsidiary of Principal

called Aligned Investors, which manages

around $32 billion, including Blue Chip’s

$5.3 billion. He and co-manager Tom Rozy-

cki, 40, are supported by six investment

analysts devoted exclusively to the Aligned

subsidiary. Blue Chip was launched in 2012

as an offshoot of the boutique’s mid-cap

fund. “Our successful mid-cap companies

eventually became too large to own in our

mid-cap strategy,” Nolin says. “It made sense

to start a strategy where we could invest in

these larger companies.” Some of the “grad-

uates” from the mid-cap fund to Blue Chip

have included supermarket company

Costco Wholesale(COST), fast food res-

taurateurYum! Brands(YUM), and cell-

phone-tower giantAmerican Tower

(AMT), Nolin says.

One graduate, which MidCap sold after

16 years but Blue Chip purchased last No-

vember, is tax-software companyIntuit

(INTU). Its QuickBooks and TurboTax soft-

ware “are both so dominant,” Nolin says.

“People are trained in [the software] and

don’t want to switch.” The rise of the so-

called gig economy is increasing the number

of self-employed Uber drivers, etc., who

need QuickBooks to itemize their mileage

and depreciation expenses, he adds. “There’s

a long runway for QuickBooks,” he says,

noting there are 48 million small businesses

and self-employed Americans, and only a

7% penetration of that market for the online

software. Intuit has begun providing more

hands-on service via live video-chat advice

from its accountants, in a bid to take market

share fromH&R Block(HRB).

Nolin attributes much of Intuit’s success

to its dynamic founder Scott Cook, who re-

mains chairman of its executive committee.

“He still works with the people at Intuit be-

cause he’s a fanatic about making it easier

for people to use their products,” Nolin says.

“That’s how you end up being 15 times larger

than your nearest competitor.”

One metric Nolin employs to analyze

whether a company’s executives are truly

owner-operators is an “aligned ratio,” com-

paring their stock ownership to their annual

salary and other benefits. “At the typical

public company, the ratio is in the range of

three to six times, so maybe a CEO owns $6

million worth of stock and gets paid $2 mil-

lion a year—three times,” says Nolin. “A lot

of our companies, the ratio is 20 to 1, and we

have several that are 50 or 100 to 1, and

some that are 2,000 to 1.”

Then there’, the

fund’s largest holding at 8.5% of its portfolio

as of the end of 2019. According to the latest

Securities and Exchange Commission fil-

ings, founder and CEO Jeff Bezos has an

almost 56 million-share stake—worth $105

billion at a recent $1,884 share price. His

total compensation in 2019 was $1.7 mil-

lion—a 62,226-to-1 ratio.

But a high ratio isn’t enough. Aside from

Amazon’s retail and cloud-computing domi-

nance, co-manager Rozycki says the com-

pany’s more recent forays into internet ad-

vertising are being undervalued by the

market. “Amazon has this built-out advan-

tage in its retail business and now the ability

to layer on something that produces royal-

ties on top of that retail business in the form

of advertising,” he says. “That’s extremely

profitable.” He likes royalty structures that

allow companies to collect fees with little

additional operating costs. For instance,

Hilton Worldwide Holdings(HLT), an-

other fund holding, charges 5% fees to hotel

franchisees using the Hilton name.

Nolin doesn’t just expect insider owner-

ship from his investments’ CEOs; he prac-

tices what he preaches. In the latest adden-

dum to Blue Chip’s prospectus, you’ll find he

and Rozycki each have over $1 million in-

vested in the fund, the highest investment

amount disclosable by SEC rules. “I person-

ally don’t want to say how much over a mil-

lion, but it’s much, much more than a mil-

lion,” Nolin says. “In addition to owning it

personally, I own it through my 401(k) and a

co-investment [vehicle] here at work. Tom

does the same.” As do all of the fund’s ana-

lysts. That way, the team at Aligned Inves-

tors not only seeks owner-operators, they

think like owners, too.B

Principal Blue Chip

Total Return

1-Yr 3-Yr 5-Yr

PBLAX 23.9% 19.9% 14.8%

Large Growth
14.3 14.7 10.7

Top 10 Holdings

Company / Ticker % of Assets / AMZN 8.5%

Alphabet / GOOG 7.3

Berkshire Hathaway / BRK.B 5.6

Microsoft / MSFT 4.8

Visa/V 4.8

American Tower / AMT 4.7

Brookfield Asset

Management / BAM 4.6

Charter Communications / CHTR 4.5

Mastercard / MA 4.3

Facebook / FB 4.1

Total 53.2%

Note: Holdings as of Dec. 31. Returns through March 2; three-
and five-year returns are annualized.
Sources: Morningstar; Principal Financial Group

What’s in a Name?

Funds Have to Shape Up


he next time you buy a fund,

consider whether its name is

fiction or reality. Does it reflect

what’s in the fund? Or is it like

a Hollywood movie—beckoning you,

even if the story and title don’t match?

This isn’t just a thought experiment. It

reflects growing concern that fund names

may be misleading, confusing, or both.

The issue came up this week when the

Securities and Exchange Commission

issued a request for public comment on

potential changes to its Names Rule: the

framework for “registered investment

companies” such as mutual funds and

exchange-traded funds. The SEC wants

to make sure that fund names “do not

mislead investors,” SEC chairman Jay

Clayton said in a statement, and it’s seek-

ing comments on whether to change the

rules or guidance.

Funds are prohibited from using

“materially deceptive or misleading”

names under the Investment Company

Act of 1940. Funds with a name suggest-

ing an investment, industry, or geographic

focus also must hold at least 80% of their

assets in securities indicated by the name.

A “technology” fund, for example, must

invest almost entirely in tech stocks.

Seems straightforward. But the rules

leave gray zones; they don’t cover

strategies—a fund can add the word

“growth” without regulatory pushback

on its name. And the rules are being

tested by thematic ETFs targeting new

technologies and funds focused on envi-

ronmental, social, or governance factors,

known as ESG—two areas of concern the

SEC highlighted in its request for com-

ment. The SEC also singled out index

funds, partly because indexes themselves

aren’t covered by the rules and could be

misleading if they’re part of a fund name.

The rules could use a refresh. About

2,000 ETFs and 1,000 mutual funds

have launched since the current rules

were adopted in 2001, covering all sorts

of areas. Yet naming regulations haven’t

kept pace. Is ESG a strategy or type of

investment? Fund companies want to call

it a strategy, exempting them from asset

tests, but the SEC has pushed back, argu-

ing that funds using ESG or similar

words should abide by the 80% rule, says

Thomas Hiller, a partner with law firm

Ropes & Gray. “The SEC has pushed

funds to adopt name policies even if it’s

not clear where the rule applies,” he says.

“ESG is the big issue of the day.”

Another problem area: derivatives. A

fund using swap contracts for exposure

to the S&P 500 index, for instance, might

indicate that most of its assets are held in

Treasuries, since the notional value of the

swaps is small, says Rajib Chanda, a

partner at law firm Simpson Thacher.

That underestimates the market expo-

sure and economic impact of the swaps,

though, and it could prevent a fund from

passing the 80% asset test. “The rule has

historically elevated the nature of your

assets over the nature of your exposure,”

he says. “It’s crying out for a fix.”

Regulators have expressed some resis-

tance to names that stretch the rules. They

have denied multiple requests by ETF

sponsors to launch “Bitcoin” ETFs. But the

SEC’s Republican majority, led by Clayton,

has shown little appetite for sweeping rule

changes that would impose more burdens

on the industry. Chanda says regulators

may issue guidelines in niches such as

derivatives, tech, and ESG, rather than

rewriting the entire Names Rule. The in-

dustry would also favor a more harmoni-

ous set of rules that reduce ambiguities

and levels the playing field for everyone.

Regulators are well aware that a

catchy name can help a fund stand out in

a crowded market, and they’re likely to

keep giving fund companies some cre-

ative license. Don’t expect regulators to

draw a bright line between fiction and

reality—that's a distinction that investors

will still have to draw themselves.B

By Daren Fonda


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