Barron\'s - 09.03.2020

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

March9,2020 BARRON’S 39


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Fears Spook

The Market

To the Editor:

For a while now, many analysts have been saying that the

market was due for a correction because it had gotten

ahead of itself, particularly as measured by earnings to

valuations (“Fear Factor,” Cover Story, Feb. 28). Covid-19

provided the perfect impetus of bad news combined with

uncertainty, and so the algos and robots had a field day.

While there’s no doubt that harm is being done to

global supply chains and travel-related services, I’m

skeptical that a rate cut by the Fed will have any impact in

resolving the issues. While the market gloms on to rate

cuts like an infant to its pacifier, cutting rates is not going

to get production in China moving faster, unblock the

logjam of container ships that can’t load or unload, or

bring back lost sales.

With rates already very low at this stage of the

recovery, the Federal Reserve does not have a lot of

ammunition left. I believe that Chairman Jerome Powell

will be under enormous pressure to cut rates, but he

really has to stay patient to see how this plays out.

Arthur M. Shatz

Oakland Gardens, N.Y.

To the Editor:

The coronavirus should serve as

further proof that U.S. corporations

are far too dependent on China for

intermediate goods and finished

products. This is in addition to the fact

that our country’s interests frequently

diverge from China’s, and that trade

disputes are likely to continue.

Hopefully, this will serve as a

wake-up call to Corporate America to

bring back production to our shores

or at least diversify foreign sources. In

the case of a very serious political

dispute, China could virtually cripple

our economy by halting exports.

Although it would be at great cost to

itself, the political leaders in that

country have never shown much

concern for its people.

Robert M. Sussman

Paradise Valley, Ariz.

To the Editor:

While the Covid-19 outbreak is being

considered a black swan event for the

financial markets, the topping process

seems to be similar to that of other ma-

jor tops. On Feb. 7, 2020, I posted on a

popular financial website that the

Dow’s closing figure of 29,408 would

stand as the high for this current cycle

and that a bear market is now in pro-

cess. On Feb. 24, all of the world’s ma-

jor indexes gapped down over 1,000

points. Most commentators correctly

pointed that while it was the third-larg-

est point decline in history, it was not

even in the top 70 of the biggest per-

centage declines. What made this drop

a standout is the size of the gaps in the

indexes and almost all of the large-cap

liquid stocks. It’s the character of this

drop that makes holding equities so

dangerous at this juncture. While a

rally is to be expected somewhere, it

will fail to surpass the highs and will

eventually break down through previ-

ously thought to be support levels.

Greg Chang

Los Angeles

A Note of Caution

To the Editor:

Caution should be taken when going

from interest-rate descriptions to

predictions to implied asset allocations

(“This Downturn Might Just Be Getting

Started. Let the Recession Watch

Begin,” The Trader, Feb. 28).

Ben Levisohn, in the context of

Covid-19, writes about authors who

suggest that 1) short-term Treasury

interest rates are low, so stocks will

return 3.5%, which is just a “hiccup” or

“blip,” so stay invested in stocks.

But 2) a return of 3.5% is a huge

problem for institutions assuming a

7% return, so get defensive; 3) Real

rates suggest that the ratio of the S&P

500 index to gold is in the midst of a

move from over two to under one-half,

so move assets from stocks to precious

metals; 4) U.S. 10-year Treasury

yields under 2.5% often predict a

world war, so invest accordingly.

It’s fun to spin these out. The

challenge is knowing which deserve


Jeremy Gwiazda

Cambridge, Mass.

Tesla Hopes Overblown

To the Editor:

Many things are conflated when

people talk about Tesla (“Why Tesla

Could Be Worth $1.5 Trillion by 2030,

According to Ron Baron,” Interview,

Feb. 28).

For instance, the data that Tesla

collects is cited as a unique advantage.

However, remote telemetry is

available from many auto makers.

And, software controls pretty much

all modern cars. My Subaru collects

reams of data. That companycanalso

potentially update the software over

the air (not sure if it actually does).

And it has a lot more cars on the road

than Tesla. Likewise, autonomous

driving features are not tied to electric

cars or Tesla in particular. Driver

assist is available from many

manufacturers. Tesla may be ahead,

but technology will become

commoditized sooner or later (yes, I

anticipate Apple versus Android

comparisons here, especially from

those who haven’t used Android).

You can narrow this down to

battery, manufacturing, and charging

network, which seem to favor Tesla

now. But it’s hard for me to think Tesla

will be the only player or even the

player with an overwhelming share of

the auto market with so many

innovators around. I don’t own Tesla

shares, nor I am crying sour grapes.

I’m just a bit skeptical that most of the

world will be driving only Teslas in 10


Bala Rajagopalan


Reading China

To the Editor:

It is interesting to note that some

commentators, politicians, and

reporters cannot resist the temptation

to take a shot at the Chinese

government (“Coronavirus Is Hitting

China’s Economy Harder Than

Expected,” Other Voices, Feb. 28).

Those who say that they were in the

dark or the numbers cannot be trusted

are actually trying to cover their

ignorance or their inabilities to read

Chinese. Of course, China has strong

censorship, but if you look at the data

and news reports closely down to the

local level, you can still get a good

picture of the situation.

Chun Chang


“I’m just a bit skeptical that most

of the world will be driving only

Teslas in 10 years.”

Bala Rajagopalan, on

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