Barron\'s - 09.03.2020

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

M12 BARRON’S March9,2020

Libor Lift Presages Credit Risk

Economic and Financial Analysis

by ING

March6:Few spend time looking at Libor

[London interbank offered rate.] We don’t

blame you.

It’s old school, and it will be replaced

by new risk-free rates after 2021. Also,

Libor is more about where banks can print

commercial paper these days than a mea-

sure of risk attached to interbank lending

(as there is virtually no volume there). But

when it spikes, as it has been doing in the

past couple of days, we need to sit up and

pay attention. This is, in fact, reminiscent

of the beginnings of the extremes we saw

during the financial crisis.

We aren’t expecting to see those ex-

tremes ahead; we view the financial sys-

tem as better capitalized with access to ex-

ceptional liquidity provision. The Federal

Reserve has been rebuilding its balance

sheet through Treasury-bill purchases and

has also been making liquidity available to

the Street through repo operations.

Providing liquidity is one thing, but get-

ting access to it is another. One of the risks

we are running is a scenario where, for ex-

ample, some high-yield players flip from

running in the black to the red, requiring

then a stopgap, but finding that access to

credit isn’t easy. Access to the bond market

for stressed players would prove tricky as

the primary market stalls. And as default

risks rise, discussions with banks for lines

of credit could prove difficult, especially as

rating agencies are already making noises

on heightened credit risk.


Private Markets Offer Bargains

UBS House View

by UBS

March 5:Private markets haven’t been

immune to the impact of the coronavirus

outbreak on financial markets. Equity-

market volatility has prompted some

private-equity groups to delay public exits.

And venture-capital deal activity in China

has fallen by 60% in the past six weeks

compared with the same period last year,

according to Pitchbook data.

With travel restrictions in place, due

diligence, on-site visits, and other deal-

sourcing activities are being delayed. As

with previous episodes of financial-market

dislocations, some repricing of private-

equity valuations could be expected in line

with public equities, albeit at a lag. But

this is not a bad thing. As we see limited

risk of a material long-term negative

impact on the global economy, we view the

current situation as an attractive opportu-

nity for investors.

• Historically, the best vintages for

private-equity firms have often coincided

with dislocations in public equity markets—

for example, in the years 2001 and 2008.

• The current disruption may present

opportunities to gain exposure to Asian

companies at more attractive valuation

levels. Longer term, we are bullish on the

region, given powerful secular drivers.

• Opportunities for funds specializing

in turnaround and distressed situations

are likely to increase the longer the dis-

ruption continues.

• If market disruption persists, falling

public equity markets may leave some

institutional investors with a higher-than-

desired allocation to private markets,

forcing them to rebalance. Secondary

funds may be presented with opportuni-

ties to buy at discounted values from

institutions looking to reduce their pri-

vate market exposure.


Bullish on International Stocks

Global Investment Strategy

by BCA Research

March 5:Investors should overweight

global equities over both a three-month

and 12-month horizon. Bond yields will rise

modestly from current levels. While the

Federal Reserve is highly likely to cut in-

terest rates a further 25 basis points [a

quarter of a percentage point] later this

month, we doubt that rates will stay as low

for as long as markets currently anticipate.

U.S. yields will increase more than

yields abroad, which should take some

pressure off the dollar. Nevertheless, as a

countercyclical currency, the greenback

will probably trade lower over the remain-

der of the year as global growth begins to


The combination of stronger growth

and a weaker dollar will lift commodity

prices, while also giving cyclical stocks and

financials a boost. Cyclicals and financials

are overrepresented in non-U.S. indexes,

which implies that international stocks will

outperform their U.S. peers.


Biden Win Buoys Stocks


by BMO Harris

March4:Though elections are always fluid

situations, the Democratic primary now

appears to be Joe Biden’s to lose. Barring

a collapse over the coming weeks, he is

bound to either win more delegates than

Bernie Sanders or enter a contested con-

vention with a strong claim to the Demo-

cratic nomination. Biden’s strength in

states where he wasn’t expected to do

well, particularly Maine and Massachu-

setts, adds to our conviction on this point.

Whereas an overwhelming Sanders win

would have probably been negative for

risk assets, we view the latest develop-

ments as positive for markets. Biden has

a long track record of centrist market-

friendly policies, in stark contrast to Sand-

ers’ advocacy of substantial government

control of key economic sectors, such as

health care and energy. A potential Biden

presidency would also reduce the likeli-

hood of future trade tensions with Europe.

The Biden ascendancy—and Sanders

flagging—removes some policy tail risk out

of the market, but larger market reactions

will probably come as the general election

heats up over the summer.


China Jet-Fuel Demand Revives

Global Energy Strategy

by RBC Capital Markets

March3:Our real-time flight tracker has

suggested a marked rebound in Chinese

activity over recent days, just as cancella-

tions begin to mount in other regions.

Cancellations left Chinese flight activity

some 75% below normal for much of Feb-

ruary, but flights picked up meaningfully

over recent days universally across all

major Chinese airports outside of Wuhan.

Activity has improved to some 55% below

normal levels. Even if international

flights are slow to return, we anticipate

that the path to recouping nearly all of

the lost Chinese jet-fuel demand is poten-

tially plausible in the coming weeks,

given that 80% of total Chinese flights

are domestic....

The resurrection of Chinese jet-fuel

demand is meaningful, given that China

makes up 13% of global jet-fuel demand

and is undisputedly one of the major driv-

ers of global oil demand growth. For com-

parison’s sake, Chinese jet demand is

larger than the four largest European

countries combined. Demand from the

United Kingdom, France, Germany, and

Italy totals 12% of the global pie. Put an-

other way, panic may ensue in the market

if those major European countries experi-

ence a widespread halting in aviation

activity near 75%, but the true impact to

jet-fuel demand in such a case will be less

than what was experienced in China over

recent weeks. —MICHAELTRAN

To be considered for this section, material,

with the author’s name and address, should

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—PADHRAICGARVEY,ING Economic and Financial Analysis



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