Jean Vanier, founder of L’Arche,
the world’s foremost network of
communities for intellectually
disabled people, has been found
to have engaged in sexually abu-
sive relationships with at least six
After nearly a year of investiga-
tion, L’Arche International is
about to release the findings of
an independent investigation –
to which The Globe and Mail has
had exclusive access in the En-
glish-speaking world – into the
past of Mr. Vanier, who died last
May at the age of 90.
The report establishes that Mr.
Vanier had “manipulative sexual
relationships,” many of them co-
ercive, over the course of 30
years, between 1970 and 2005.
Some of the women were assist-
ants, some were nuns. The report
also establishes that he enabled
and shared sexual partners and
“mystical” sexual practices with
Pere Thomas Philippe, a cen-
sured Dominican priest and seri-
al sexual abuser who was Mr. Va-
nier’s “spiritual father” – and one
of the inspirations for L’Arche.
Mr. Vanier publicly denied any
knowledge of the practices on
more than one occasion.
None of the women were intel-
lectually disabled, the core mem-
bers of L’Arche.
The revelations are a blow to
Mr. Vanier’s vaunted reputation.
He was the son of governor-gen-
eral Georges Vanier who aban-
doned the Navy, the Catholic
church and academia to found a
globe-spanning series of homes
for the intellectually disabled.
Mr. Vanier was a perennial can-
didate for the Nobel Peace Prize, a
Companion of the Order of Cana-
da, a winner of the Templeton
Prize and the Joseph Kennedy
Foundation Award with his good
friend Mother Teresa. As many as
14 schools in Canada bear his
name. He wrote best selling
books, the most famous of
which,Becoming Human, was the
basis of a series of Massey lec-
How the findings will damage
L’Arche – which began as a revo-
lutionary alternative to the insti-
tutionalization of the intellec-
tually disabled in 1964, and has
since become the crown jewel of
community-based housing for
them – remains to be seen. And
how they will affect the intellec-
tually disabled residents of
L’Arche – among whom Mr. Va-
nier lived until the end of his life
- is difficult to imagine.
The report, a summary of a
fuller investigation that has not
been released to protect the con-
fidentiality of the women who
testified, is the product of a series
of escalating suspicions. They be-
gan with a 2014 inquiry into com-
plaints of sexual abuse by as
many as 14 women against Pere
Thomas, Mr. Vanier’s self-admit-
ted “spiritual father” who was in
part responsible for Mr. Vanier
becoming interested in the intel-
lectually disabled.
But Mr. Vanier said he knew
nothing. Another woman sur-
faced in 2016, claiming to have
had a sexual relationship with
Mr. Vanier at his instigation. He
admitted the affair, but claimed it
was consensual. He was never or-
dained as a priest, and so the sus-
picions abated.
But in March of 2019, as Mr. Va-
nier was dying of heart failure,
another women testified that she
too had had a sexual affair with
him. She claimed Mr. Vanier had
indulged in the same “mystical
and spiritual” sexual practices
that Pere Thomas had been ac-
cused of. Mr. Vanier said he could
not remember.
As a result, in April last year,
Stefan Posner, the international
leader of L’Arche, leapt ahead of
what he feared might be an on-
coming scandal by commission-
ing an independent inquiry into
the matter by GCPS Consulting, a
U.K.-based expert in the investi-
gation and prevention of sexual
abuse. By June, he had also com-
missioned a historian to delve in-
to newly unsealed Vatican files,
as well as into the now deceased
Mr. Vanier’s correspondence, to
study the links between Mr. Va-
nier and Pere Thomas.
The findings are damning. Mr.
Vanier has been found, on the
“balance of probabilities,” to
have had at least six relationships
with women at L’Arche, some of
them abusive and all of them co-
ercive and non-consensual. The
relationships occurred over a
stretch of 30 years, between 1970
and 2005, and involved women of
a wide range of ages, all of whom
worked within the L’Arche com-
The investigation also con-
cluded that between 1952 and
1964, Pere Thomas and Jean Va-
nier shared sexual practices and
even some partners (though at
different times) with several
women, none of whom declared
themselves as victims. Mr. Vanier
founded L’Arche that same year,
in 1964, when, repulsed by the in-
stitutions he had seen, he moved
into a small house in Trosly-
Breuil, outside of Paris, with two
unspeaking middle aged men
with intellectual disabilities. Out
of that innocent move – and now,
it seems, out of that darkness
–L’Arche was born.
The women also describe very
similar sexual experiences –
some of which were distinctly un-
usual. The sexual activity often
derived from a process of “spiri-
tual accompaniment,” in which
the women trusted Vanier to help
them through an emotional crisis
or a religious dilemma. To do
that, Mr. Vanier employed the
same “mystical” practices Pere
Thomas had been censured for
using as long ago as 1952 – tech-
niques Mr. Vanier said in 2015 and
2016 that he knew nothing about,
though he had in fact been famil-
iar with them by then for nearly
50 years.
One nun, describing Mr. Va-
nier’s unwanted sexual advances,
says that “when I expressed my
astonishment saying that I was
consecrated to Jesus, and how
could I manifest my love to Jesus
and to him, he replied: ‘But Jesus
and myself, this is not two, but we
are one .. .It is Jesus who loves you
through me.’ ” Another victim re-
membered Mr. Vanier saying “
‘This is not us, this is Mary and
Jesus. You are chosen, you are
special, this is secret.” He was re-
ferring to the Virgin Mary, not
Mary Magdalene.’ ”
Still another woman, when Mr.
Vanier’s “spiritual accompani-
ment” turned to sexual touching,
told the leader she had a lover.
Mr. Vanier’s reply that “it was im-
portant to distinguish (what hap-
pened between us) referring to
the Song of Solomon.” The rela-
tions went on for “3 or 4 years.”
According to the report, these
practices “crossed boundaries
which are expected and neces-
sary when people are in a rela-
tionship of trust, for example be-
ing spiritually accompanied by
either a priest of a person of au-
thority.” The relationships were
“characterized by significant
abuses of power, whereby the al-
leged victims felt deprived of
their free will and so the sexual
activity was coerced or took place
under coercive conditions.”
Mr. Vanier understood the
women were vulnerable, but they
felt it was impossible to speak of
their affairs. “I was like frozen,”
one of them told the investiga-
tors. “I realized that Jean Vanier
was adored by hundreds of peo-
ple, like a living Saint ... I found it
difficult to raise the issue.”
One of the women confronted
him, and presented him with a
letter in which she declared that
what he had done was “unbear-
able.” His reply? “He told me, ‘I
thought it was good.’ He didn’t
tell me anything else.” All the
women claimed these relation-
ships had long-lasting negative
impacts on their lives, and that
they needed years of psycholog-
ical support the overcome the
consequences of the abuse.
Needless to say, the close-knit
L’Arche community is in a state
of shock over the findings. The
report has been narrowly distrib-
uted to the head of each commu-
nity, so that they can prepare
clear, simple and non-verbal
ways of spreading the news to the
core members, as well as to major
“I have to say that we have
been in conversation with major
donors,” Mr. Posner says. “”And
we have had a very reassuring re-
sponse.” He is also underlining a
distinction L’Arche has made for
year now – that L’Arche the insti-
tution is not the same as L’Arch-
e’s founder.
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