The Globe and Mail - 22.02.2020

(Elle) #1



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t the start of the year, I pre-
dicted that most of the
companies in my model
portfolio will raise their divi-
dends in 2020.
Well, we’re off to a very good
Less than two months into
2020, seven of the portfolio’s 20
companies (there are also two
exchange-traded funds) have an-
nounced dividend hikes. For
those keeping score at home, the
companies (and their percentage
dividend increases) are: BCE Inc.
(ticker symbol BCE; 5 per cent),
Brookfield Infrastructure Part-
ners LP (BIP.UN; 7 per cent),
Canadian Utilities Ltd. (CU; 3 per
cent), Manulife Financial Corp.
(MFC; 12 per cent), Restaurant
Brands International Inc. (QSR; 4
per cent), Royal Bank of Canada
(RY; 3 per cent) and TC Energy
Corp. (TRP; 8 per cent).
Dividend growth is the core of
my investing strategy. When a
company hikes its payout, it’s do-
ing two things. First, it’s putting
more money into investors’
pockets, which increases their
spending power and counters
the effects of inflation. Second –
and just as important – a divi-
dend hike signals that the com-
pany is confident about the fu-
ture. I never try to guess what
stocks will do in the short run,
but over the long run share pric-
es of companies that boost their
dividends tend to rise, providing
capital gains on top of growing
My model Yield Hog Dividend
Growth Portfolio (
dendportfolio) is proof of that.

Through Feb. 20, the portfolio
has posted a total return – from
capital growth and dividends – of
about 36 per cent since inception
on Oct. 1, 2017. That tops the total
return of about 23.3 per cent for
the S&P/TSX Composite Index
over the same period. The model
portfolio, which started with
$100,000 of virtual funds, is now
worth $135,982 and is generating
projected annualized income
(based on current dividend
rates) of $5,308, up 29.7 per cent
since inception.
Reinvesting dividends is an-
other key component of my in-
vesting strategy, and today I’ll be
deploying most of the more than
$2,000 in cash that has accumu-
lated recently.
Finding bargains in the stock
market has become a challenge
after the recent run-up in share
prices. As stock prices have
climbed, dividend yields have
dropped, which means every
new dollar invested generates
less income than it used to. I
don’t see a lot of compelling val-
ue in the 22 securities I already

hold in the model portfolio, so
I’ve decided to go “off the board”
and add 65 units of a security I
believe is still attractively priced

  • namely SmartCentres Real Es-
    tate Investment Trust (SRU.UN).
    SmartCentres REIT (which I al-
    so own personally) is best known
    for its 170 retail shopping centres,
    most of which are anchored by a
    Walmart, a rock-solid tenant that
    accounts for about 25 per cent of
    the REIT’s revenue. Walmart’s
    strength notwithstanding,
    SmartCentres’ focus on the retail
    sector – and its exposure to
    chains such as Payless Shoes and
    Bombay/Bowring that have gone
    under in recent years – is a big
    reason the units have struggled
    even as other types of REITs have
    been surging.
    That’s the bad news. The good
    news is that SmartCentres’ occu-
    pancy rate is still strong at 98.1
    per cent. What’s more, Smart-
    Centres is transforming itself into
    more than a retail REIT; it has an
    extensive pipeline of develop-
    ment projects that includes con-
    do and apartment towers, offices,

self-storage facilities and retire-
ment residences. Some of these
projects are expected to start
contributing meaningfully to the
REIT’s bottom line in 2020-21. In
the meantime, investors get
“paid to wait” with an attractive
yield of 5.9 per cent.
Another plus is SmartCentres’
valuation. At a time when many
other REITs trade at a premium
to their net asset value (NAV is
essentially the market value of
REIT’s properties minus debt),
SmartCentres trades about 5 per
cent to 7 per cent below analysts’
NAV estimates.
Analysts are generally favour-
able on SmartCentres, with four
buy ratings, four holds and no
sells, according to Refinitiv. The
average price target is $34.31. The
units closed Friday at $31.48 on
the Toronto Stock Exchange.
“With a defensively positioned
Walmart-anchored portfolio,
near-term AFFO [adjusted funds
from operations] and NAV
growth set to improve, a substan-
tial long-term value-creation op-
portunity and discounted valua-

tion, we continue to see a decent
entry point,” RBC Dominion Se-
curities analyst Pammi Bir said in
a recent note. He reiterated an
“outperform” rating and $36
price target on the units.
In keeping with my dividend
growth approach, I also like the
fact that SmartCentres has been
raising its distribution annually
for the past six years – a trend I
expect will continue. The distri-
bution is also well-covered,
thanks to a payout ratio that
analysts estimate at about 80 per
cent to 85 per cent of projected
AFFO for 2020. (AFFO is a cash-
flow measure that includes
maintenance capital spending
and is considered more conser-
vative than funds from oper-
ations, or FFO.)
I’m not expecting a quick re-
turn from SmartCentres. But
over the long run, I’m confident
it will deliver a nice combination
of distribution increases and cap-
ital growth as its pipeline of new
projects start churning out cash.

Special to The Globe and Mail










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