The Globe and Mail - 22.02.2020

(Elle) #1






Nicolas and Katy are excited
to announce the arrival of
Grayson Brian,7 pounds, 13
ounces, on Tuesday, February
18, 2020, in Toronto, a
brother for Victoria (age 5)
and Serena(age 2). Graysonis
the fifteenth grandchild of
Mila and The Rt. Hon. Brian
Mulroney, Montreal, and the
tenthgrandchildof Maryand
Tony Brebner, Toronto.
Grayson is welcomed by all
his loving cousins, uncles, and
aunts.Thanksto the doctors
and nursesat Mount Sinai
Hospital for assisting in
Grayson’s safe entry into this


July 4, 1933
February 10, 2020

Diedpeacefully surroundedby
hisfamily at Lion’s Gate Hospital
wherehewasborn andhadcared
forpatients throughout his life.
Dick is survivedby his wifeMary,
their 3 children Lucy (Chris),
Jonathan (Chris), and Gillian,
grandchildren Helena, Frances,
Georgia, andEli, andhis brother
David.Hewaspredeceasedby his
sisterDeirdre McKechnie in 2 003.
Except for5years in Ottawa
during the war, Dick’s childhood
was spent inWestVancouverand
summers with his grandparents
on QuadraIsland.
Dick graduated fromUBC with
aBAinbiology andfisheries
and then medicine at McGill
University where he became a
general practitioner.
He met hisfuturewifeMary
while skiing at Mt. Tremblant.
They weremarriedin Montrealon
September29, 1962 ,then settled
inWestVancouvertostart his
practice andtoraise theirchildren
onarundown property that,
with much work, evolvedintoa
beautiful andmuch loved‘estate’.
Dick was a manofmany talents.
He was athletic andlovedtennis
andgolf(he was a longtime
memberofVancouverLawn and
Tennis Club andCapilanoGolf
Club) andspent many weekends
skiingwithfriendsandfamily at
doctor for 25years. Dick hada
talentforwoodwork, building a
cabinonHollyburn Mt. when he
was 1 6andboatbuilding afterhe
retired. He alsowrote a numberof
stories including a memoir.
Dick will berememberedfor
his gentle andcaring manner,
love of natureand animals,
appetitefor reading, talentfor
shaggydog tales, andpassionfor
trying new projects.
Heartfelt thanks to Lion’s
Gate Hospitalfortheirgentle
and compassionate care. In
lieu of flowers,donations to
McGillUniversityorLion’s Gate
Hospital wouldbe appreciated.
A CelebrationofLife will be held
at CapilanoGolfandCountry Club
at 3 p.m.onMarch 4, 202 0.
Socome,myfriends, be notafraid.
Wearesolightly here.
Itisinlove that we aremade
Inlove wedisappear



Elsiepassed awaypeacefully
at home on February 16,

  1. She had recently
    celebrated her 90th birthday
    with her children,
    grandchildren, and great-
    Elsie was born in northern
    Albertaas the youngestof
    three children to
    homesteading parents from
    England.Life was difficult on
    the farm with harsh winters,
    long workhours and few
    comforts. She excelled at
    school, which was a 2 3/4
    mile walk away, and went on
    to study nursing at the
    University ofAlberta.There
    she met Hugh, the love of her
    life, who was studying
    engineering and in short
    order theymarried.In the
    early years, they lived in a
    7x14 foot trailer on Mount
    Rundle nearCanmore where
    Hugh was workingon the
    SprayLakes dam.
    Later moves took the family
    to Calgary, Edmonton and
    Montreal.Sadly, Hugh passed
    away at 41 leaving Elsie with
    three children to raise and
    support.After working for a
    period, she determinedto
    continue her nursing studies
    by completinga programat
    Quo Vadis in Toronto and her
    Bachelor of Nursing degree at
    McGill. Elsie worked for a
    number of organizationssuch
    as theLakeshorePsychiatric
    Hospital, the VictorianOrder
    of Nurses and Kodak.
    Elsie will always be
    remembered for her
    generousand selfless heart
    that made such a difference to
    so many. She was a great
    listener and counsellor for
    patients, family,friends and
    acquaintances. She will also
    be remembered for her
    artistic talent as a painter and
    sculptor, her love of dogs, the
    crafts she taught her
    grandchildren, and her
    famous ginger cookies.
    Elsie is survived by her
    children, Tim Bowman(Ann),
    Ken Bowman (Sharron), and
    Terri Christie (Jim); her
    grandchildren, Michael
    Bowman (Cristina), Shauna
    Bowman (Mark), GregChristie
    (Ash), Steven Christie
    (Michelle), Mallory Bowman,
    Melissa Bowman, Sarah
    Bowman and Carolyn
    Bowman; and her great-
    grandchildren,Peyton, Keira
    and Sidney.
    The family will honour Elsie’s
    memory with a celebrationof
    her life inJune.Donations to
    her favourite charity,Doctors
    Without Borders, would be



Robert Bruce Bradley, 78,
passed away peacefully on
Wednesday, February 19,
2020, surrounded by his
family at Lakeridge Health
Robert was born inOshawa
Ontario to BruceandJean
(Wilson)Bradley.He attended
TrinityCollege School,O’Neill
Collegiate and Vocational
Institute, and theUniversity of
WesternOntario.In 1976,he
marriedJanet Geer,whom he
met on a plane while
returning from a golf
tournament in Boston. They
wrote lettersto one another
and made trips between
Oshawa and Holland, New
York before getting married.
Robert was a devotedfamily
man and was deeply loved for
being a kind and generous
husband, father and
grandfather. He was witty
with a dry sense of humour,
and his anecdotes and one-
liners will make his family and
friends smile for years to
come. Robertwas the former
owner of Bradley Brothers
Insurance, a thriving
brokerage inAjax,Ontario.
For most of his life, Robert
was an avidgolfer and a
member of theOshawa Golf
andCurlingClub. He was a
member of the Canadian
Senior GolfAssociation.He is
a former winner of the
Ontario Men’sChampion of
Champions, Ontario Senior
Championship,Ontario Senior
Champion ofChampions, and
theOntario Senior Betterball.
He was a multiple winner of
the Men’s and SeniorClub
Championships at the
Oshawa Golf andCurlingClub
as well as many other golf
tournaments across the
country. He also enjoyed
skiing, contract bridge,
collecting Commonwealth
stamps, and spending time
with his wife, children and
Robert is survivedby his wife,
Janet (Geer) Bradley; Lisa
Bradley and her spouse
Patrick Menzies, Erik Bradley
and his wifeAllison(Biehn)
Bradley; three grandchildren,
Nathaniel Bradley-Menzies,
Harrison and Emmett Bradley;
his brotherJohn Bradley and
his wife Pauline Robert-
Bradley; his sister-in-law
Bonnie (Brown) Bradley;
nephew Brian Bradley and
nieces Darrah (Bradley)
Mumby and Barbara (Bradley)
Bowen; and, cousin Ellie
(Wilson) Cannon. He was
preceded in death by his
parents Bruce andJean and
by his brotherPhillip Bradley.
Acelebration of life will be
held from 1:00-4:00 p.m. on
Sunday, March 1st at the
Oshawa Golf and Curling
Club, 160Alexandra Street,
Oshawa,Ontario,L1G 2C4.
In lieu of flowers, donations
can be made toJunior Golf in
Ontario through the Golf
Canada Foundation, or
to the Lakeridge
Health Foundation by visiting


October 14, 1922
Galvokai, Lithuania
February 17, 2020

Ken Astravas belovedhusband
of Nellie AstravasofCalgary, AB,
passedawayonMonday, February
17 , 202 0 at the ageof 97 years.
Kostas was born in Lithuaniaon
October14, 1922 , immigratedto
Toronto, and married Petronela
by trade(UniversityofToronto
Engineering(5T4), his profession
tookhim aroundthe worldtowork.
An avidoutdoorsman, adventurer,
photographerandstoryteller, there
was neverashortageoflaughs, talk
ofpoliticsorhistory lessons.
Kostas is survivedby his loving
andcaring wife Petronela(Nellie)
Astravas, andtwodaughtershe
was veryproudof, Rutha andZita
(Michael).Kostaswas predeceased
by his three sistersandbrother.
Condolences, memories and
photos may be shared and
viewedon Ken’s obituaryat
Donations in his memory can be
Engineering Award.


October 8, 1935
February 15, 2020

Sonofthe lateColonel Arthurand
Lillian Cameron.It is with heartfelt
sadnessourfamily announces
the passingofmy/ourHusband,
FatherandPoppa. Art was a
longtime soldieroftheNorth
TorontoCommunity Churchofthe
Salvation Army.Artledthe band
andsongstersovermany years
young people tobe active within
ourchurch. ArtcoachedNTCC
hockeyand was instrumental
in creating lifetime memories
andlifelongfriendships through
hockey. Always committed to
young people, theirlives inspired
him.Art went toN.T.C .I.andupon
graduation walkeddown the
st reettoBritish American Oil and
neverleftcontinuingwith GulfOil
andretiringfrom PetroCanada.
Art leaves his wifeof 62 years
Marilyn(Carswell), his children
Rick (Joan), Sandra (David
Fynney), Steven(Corinne) and
Chris(Melody) andtheir families
including 11 grandchildren.
Thefamily is grateful that this
challenging jour neyhas endedfor
Dadandwe allfindsome peace
in knowing that he is nowsafein
the armsofhis LordandSaviour.
Aservice tocelebrate his life will
take placeon Sunday, March
1 st at 4 p.m. at St Peters Church
(Estonian), 817 Mt. Pleasant Rd.,
Toronto. VisitationatMorley
BedfordFriday, February 2 8th
5-8 p.m. andat St. Peters 1 hour
priortotheserviceon Sunday.
Anyremembrancedonations will
be gladlyreceivedfortheNTCC
buildingfundc/o North Toronto
Community Church Office 4 2
EglintonAveWest, Toronto,ON
M4R 1 A 1.

(nee McRae)
February 2, 1938
December 10, 2019

It is with sadness that thefamily
ofMary Banks announces her
passingon December10, 201 9.
Mary will be lovinglyremembered
by herson,Ian(LisedeMoissac)
Banks; daughter, Catherine
(Salman) Wakil; grandchildren,
Rae, Erik andZain; niece,
Jennifer Shiels and nephew,
Cameron McRae.
Mary was born in Revelstoke,
BC andraisedin Smithers and
Nelson, BC. She was much loved
by her parents,Ken andRuby
McRae, hergrandmother‘Bobby’
andyoungerbrotherKenny. She
Columbia where she graduatedin
1 959 with a Bachelor ofArts. She
marriedAnthony “Tony” Banks
inNelsonon September12, 1 959.
They were happily marriedfor
52 yearsbeforeTony’s passing
in 2012 .Tony andMarylivedin
Noranda,Vancouver, Kimberley
andTorontobefore settling in
Saskatoonin 1 968. They loved
Saskatoonandespecially theriver
ofwhich they hadapanoramic
viewfrom theircondominium.
Mary was a high school English
teacherandtaught at Mount Royal
Collegiate from 1977 - 1 984 and
then movedtoMarionGraham
Collegiate. Cather was gine rateful
forall the times that Maryproof
Mary was diagnosed with
rheumatoidarthritis at the ageof
30.It is a painful anddebilitating
disease which gradually tookher
strength andmobility. Marychose
toignore this andlivedalifefull
ofgaiety andlaughter. She was a
role modelforgracious living.
MaryandTony enjoyedtravelling
and werealso supportersof
the Persephone Theatreand
the SaskatoonCommunity
Foundation. Marywasa“foodie.”
She enjoyedhermeals andit was
all about the presentation!Mary
enjoyed meeting new people
andlearning about theirlives.
Asocial butterfly, Maryhadan
extraordinary numberoffriends,
all verydeartoher.She was a
founding memberofthe Friday
AfternoonWine Club. Mary was
an avidreader, likedtokeep up
oncurrent events andpolitics and
Thefamily gratefully declines
flowers. Donations in Mary’s
name may be madetothe Mary
andTony Banks Family Fund
at the SaskatoonCommunity
Foundation(1 01 -3084th Avenue
North, Saskatoon, SK S 7 K 2 L 7 ,
306-665- 17 66)
AMemorial Service will be held
on Sunday, March 1 , 202 0, at
2 :00 p.m. at the Saskatoon Club
( 417 - 21 st Street East Saskatoon)
Condolences may be leftat
com. Arrangements in care
of Saskatoon Funeral Home
(306) 2 44-55 77.


Afriendtomany, a lovingfather
toKathleen(Brent) andMartha
to Colin, Ian, Rebecca and
Christine, Philip ispredeceased
by his belovedwifeof 51 years
Jean Pattison Capreol(1 92 6- 2011 ).
Hisrecent yearsweremade
brighterby hisdea rrfiendJoanne
Norris andhis wonderful helper
Tracie Swim. His happiestdays
were at Lake Manitou sailing
andflying his Cessna 150 .A
kind,true gentleman, he will be
Service February 27 th at 2 :30p.m.,
Anglican ChurchofAll Saints by
the Lake, 865 LakeshoreDrive,

TOSUBSCRIBE 1 - 866 -999-923 7





1929 – 2020

Weare deeply saddened to
announce the passingofCraig
Crossman afteralong illness
on February 17 , 202 0. Bornin
Montreal, movedtoOakville in
197 6 with investmentfirmWood
Gundy. Craig is survivedby his
loving wife Evelyn, his sonRobert
(Virginia). His sister-in-law Lillian
Crossman. His niece Carol(Geno),
andgreat nephews. Pr edeceased
by brother Arthurand sister
Shirley andnephew Stephen.We
wouldlike tothank the Oakville
Hospital Emergency CardiacUnit
in hisfinal hours. Privatefamily
service will take place at a later
date.In lieuof flowers memorial
donations may be madeto
the Oakville TrafalgarMemorial
Hospital. Online condolences may





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