The Globe and Mail - 22.02.2020

(Elle) #1


There are two types of people in this world. People who
get on a plane, slip on their eye mask, pop in their head-
phones and tune out the world, and the people they are
hiding from. Too harsh? In a world with limited places
where you can escape the ping of your e-mail, the ring of
your cellphone and the demands of your boss, an air-
plane seat feels like the last great opportunity for self-
imposed silence. So, when someone sits down beside
you and immediately strikes up a conversation, what’s a
traveller to do? Lisa Orr, the owner of Orr Etiquette in
Toronto, says the answer is to be direct and assertive.
“On a flight, you’re entitled to that quiet space,” Orr
says. “It’s always best to set the tone for what kind of
flight you’d like to have right off the bat. The key is to be
polite but clear as soon as you sit down, so that the peo-
ple who sit next to you know that you are not their con-
versational buddy for the flight.”
As soon as you figure out who your neighbours are,
you should make your intentions known.
“I’ll say, ‘I’m sure you won’t mind but I was hoping to
have a quiet flight today because ...’ and insert my rea-
son,” Orr says. It could be a book you’re reading; sleep
you’re catching up on or a report you have to finish. She
adds that using a prop (book, headphones, laptop) will
hammer the message home.
“By saying, ‘I’m sure you won’t mind ... ’, it gives [the
offending neighbour] an opportunity to say ‘Of course
not!’ and everyone exits the situation without hurt feel-
ings,” she says.
And if they ignore you? Go back to the beginning of

the script and repeat as you might with a child who is
pestering you.
“Sometimes you need repetition for emphasis,” Orr
says, adding that a little white lie is okay, too.
“I’m so sorry, I totally forgot I have to finish ‘x.’ ” is per-
fectly acceptable, she says. “These are complete strang-
ers. You have a little latitude.”
The other thing to consider though, is that sometimes
the conversation you’re avoiding is one you might be
glad you had.
Torontonian Garfield Richards says an impromptu
conversation on a flight led to one of the most interesting
conversations he’s ever had with a stranger. “We ex-
changed business cards at the end of our flight and we do
keep in touch, though infrequently,” he says. “This was all
very shocking to me because I dread talking to anyone on
an airplane and usually avoid it.”
Still not convinced? Sandra Hume, a content marketer
in Colorado, has a fail-safe method she uses to minimize
the chance of bad conversation. On the rare occasion
when she gives in to chatting, she makes sure it’s while
the plane is descending. “I guess I figure if I made a mis-
take, time will run out soon enough.”









arniga Akeeagok’s first time
in New York wasn’t a typical
tourist trip. While she did jet
around the city to see the sights,
the Iqaluit resident was primarily
in town to show off her parka de-
signs. A territorial manager with
Nunavut’sgovernment by day,
Akeeagok is a passionate designer
in her free time. She creates one-
of-a-kind parkas, outerwear and
accessories under Akulik Cre-
ations, and is part of a cohort of
Inuit sewers who collaborated
with Canada Goose for Project
Atigi, a capsule collection of par-
kas designed to bring the sewing
heritage of Inuit peoples – a com-
munity Canada Goose works with
often – to the world stage. Akeea-
gok spoke to The Globe and Mail
about how important sewing is to
her and her community, and why
it matters that her designs are
now in front of a global audience.


Well, our ancestors – women in
particular – had to sew traditional
clothing to survive in the harsh
climate. You know, anywhere
from -40 and colder, adjusting
those clothing types for the cli-
mate we endure, you know, [the
clothing] allows us to survive.



Nowadays, the majority is wom-
en. But, you know, men have ex-
plored that for quite some time,
for repairing. If they didn’t have a
partner or somebody to repair
their clothing, this is something
that they had to do as well. And
nowadays, men are taking on that
skill and making their own parkas
as well.


Yes, that’s something I want to say
that comes with a lot of seam-
stresses in our territory and Inuit
from all four regions [in Inuit Nu-
nangat]. Long ago, you could de-
termine who’s coming from what
region based on their design. And
today, it continues to be that way.
I want to say you could pinpoint
where somebody is coming from
based on their coat and what
team or what their interests are.
So yeah, we don’t normally make
two coats that are exactly the
same. That’s the beauty when
we’re creating our garments.


My inspirations come from elders
and women across Canada that
are Inuit. I think it’s a motivation
for each one of us. We use differ-
ent trims. I mean, with traditional

clothing, the design has, I want to
say, evolved. We use modern ways
of designing our clothing. Each
person demonstrates their art in a
different way. And whether we’re
inspired by, you know, this artist
from this region, we always put a
different twist to certain things on
the coat.


I had a few friends who were in-
volved last year, and they inspired
me to apply if there was another
chance to do so. The opportunity
came and I felt that this would be
a great challenge and to demon-
strate my skill as well. So I saw
that there was that opportunity,
and I went for that.


It is a collection where you design
five parkas that are different sizes,
but the same style. The thing
that’s different there is, you know,
the challenge there for me – and I
want to say many others – is that
in our culture, we use our hands
as a tool to measure, whether it be
our knuckle here, our hand, you
know, these were our tools to
measure. We look at somebody
and we size them up visually. And
so using the measurements that
were provided to us on a scale,
like being small, medium, large,

like a chart, I took those measure-
ments and incorporated them in-
to my patterns to create what we
had to create in our collection.


This showcases Inuit culture, her-
itage, their skill – it educates peo-
ple on a global front. I think that
definitely speaks volumes in the
way Canada Goose invited us and
involved us, to come to our home,
to see our home, how they’re
showcasing each woman, each in-
dividually, and where they’ve
come from. That in itself shows
that somebody cares and that it’s
not just for show.


I think our culture is so unique.
And it shows in how we design
our clothing. It demonstrates
who we are. Our culture is impor-
tant to us. And I think globally,
when people see our art, you
know, we create these things
based on our climate, too. And I
think it’s important to showcase
that. It’s a form of educating peo-
ple all over the world, where we
live, where we come from.



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