The Globe and Mail - 22.02.2020

(Elle) #1


f you remember watchingDe-
grassiand 90210 (or evenHappy
DaysandM*A*S*H) as a kid,
chances are you or someone you
know was raised on a schedule of
regularly rotating weeknight din-
ners: meatloaf Mondays, spaghet-
ti Tuesdays, shepherd’s pie Thurs-
days, or some version thereof.
Some parents assigned dinners
more rigidly to days of the week,
others just stuck to a handful of
dishes in their wheelhouse for
years on end. In the early eighties,
our neighbour down the street
had a box of recipes she circulated
through year-round; each shop-
ping day she’d pull out seven
cards for the coming week and
make up her grocery list.
Some friends and I were recent-
ly reminiscing about this way of
feeding a family, chortling over
the old-fashioned simplicity of it,
until it occurred to me that none
of these parents ever wondered
what was for dinner.There was
never a sudden five-o’clock real-
ization that there was no plan in
place, no hungry scramble
through a packed grocery store at
rush hour, grabbing a deli chicken
and bagged salad. Their kids
knew by the day what would be
on the table at six and so never
had to ask. Not only that, sched-
uled meals ensured grocery lists
and budgets were simple and

straightforward and not as sus-
ceptible to impulse buys.
Deciding on dinner has be-
come one of the most sigh-induc-
ing daily challenges of our time,
contributing to the 220 or so food-
related decisions we make each
day, according to researchers at
Cornell University. A sharp in-
crease in culinary conveniences,
from innovative products on gro-
cery store shelves to new technol-
ogies and services, coincided with
growth of the number of women
in Canada’s labour market, from
25 per cent in the early 1950s to 82
per cent in 2014, at which point
women made up almost half of
the country’s work force.
Today, families with two work-
ing parents tend to seek out more
solutions to help them get dinner
on the table. Of course, more
mealtime options tend to com-
pound our decision-making fa-
tigue, rather than relieve it – the
arrival of Skip the Dishes and Ub-
er Eats gives us access to a far
broader menu at home, and
there’s the option to combine
home cooking and delivery by or-
dering groceries or meal kits on-
line. Thirteen per cent of Cana-
dians have had meal kits, with in-
gredients premeasured and ready
to assemble, shipped to their
doors, overwhelmingly motiva-
ted by the potential to save time

on planning, prep and grocery
For those cooking from
scratch, there’s the question of
what to do with the groceries
we’re now able to source nearly 24
hours a day, seven days a week;
cookbook collections have
swelled to many times the size of
past generations, and we have ac-
cess to unlimited recipes and
cooking tutorials online. Most of
us have quick meals we tend to
fall back on, such as lentil dal or
eggs on toast, but the culinary bar
has also been raised far higher
than it was in the days when so
many dinners began with a
pound of ground beef and a tin of
cream of mushroom soup.
“As a kid, I thought that was the
way everyone had dinner,” my
friend Melanie Pastuck tells me of
her mom’s schedule. “We didn’t
have assigned days of the week,
but tuna casserole, hamburger
hash made with ground beef, to-
mato soup and macaroni, pero-
gies, and a pork roast or chops
were in regular rotation, with
mashed potatoes and creamed
Repetition, it seems, was the
trade-off to free up some of the
brain space that keeps tabs on the
contents of the fridge and tries to
piece together what it might have
the potential to become on any

given evening. It’s the same ratio-
nale Barack Obama and Mark
Zuckerberg have given for wear-
ing the same outfits day after day

  • even seemingly small, mun-
    dane decisions can erode your
    ability to make other, more im-
    portant ones. And when those de-
    cisions take place in the late after-
    noon, when mental depletion
    makes us more willing to accept
    the default choice, and hunger
    can dictate what we want to eat,
    solving the dinner dilemma can
    be tricky to navigate on the fly.
    But when it comes to what we
    eat, are predictability and repeti-
    tion really so bad? Kids don’t
    mind, they actually find comfort
    in the familiar – no doubt there
    are plenty of grown-ups who feel
    the same, who don’t crave some-
    thing new and exciting every day.
    In recent years, Pastuck and her
    sister have realized that their
    mother’s meal plans were a ne-
    cessity of the tight budget she fol-
    lowed in order to feed her family
    of five, a challenge Pastuck faces

today as the parent of a 10-year-
old and a 13-year-old. “Thinking
aboutour rotation of meals
makes me want to try it for a
month to see how it affects my
grocery bill,” she says. “I know
meal planning would save me,
and my kids, so much stress – and
These days, my own mom
tends to be apologetic about pull-
ing out old standbys, such as pan-
fried fish filets or scrambled eggs
and brown beans, when we’re
over, as if dinner must always in-
volve some level of inventiveness
to be appealing. Except that I find
comfort in it. Although the dishes
of the day may have changed –
perhaps your kids will know it’s
Thursday because buttermilk-
brined roasted chicken with kale,
cauliflower and garlicky tahini is
on the menu – rotating dinners
may be the most helpful culinary
strategy we retrieve from genera-
tions past.






angiovese is having difficulty shaking free of its
mediocre past, despite it being capable of pro-
ducing stylish red wines that possess elegance,
vitality and complexity. The unpleasant taste of
those tangy vinegar-like substances packaged in
straw-bottomed flask bottles lingers.
Sangiovese is often viewed as a variety that needs
a lift from international grapes, such as cabernet
sauvignon or merlot, to produce something truly
special. That’s certainly the rags-to-riches story of
so-called super-Tuscan wines, which revolutionized
a lacklustre wine scene in the 1970s by embracing
French grapes and new oak to make glossy, Napa-
style red wines. But there’s a steady stream of con-
sistently exciting Chianti Classicos coming into Can-
adian markets today to remind us that sangiovese-
based wines can be compelling in their own right.
Like this season’s surging Toronto Raptors, sangio-
vese doesn’t need the performance-enhancing ad-
dition of a Kawhi Leonard superstar to be counted
as one of the elites.
It’s high time we took notice – and advantage of
their attainable prices.
The wines pouring out of the historic and revered
Chianti Classico region today have never been bet-
ter. Better-quality sangiovese vines are taking over
vineyards that are being farmed more considerately
to produce quality as opposed to quantity. The re-
gion’s warming temperatures are also helping pro-
duce riper grapes for winemakers.
It’s important to stress we’re talking Chianti Clas-
sico here. Classico means the original heartland of
Chianti, stretching between Florence and Siena,
that was originally decreed by Cosimo III de’Medici,
Grand Duke of Tuscany, in 1716. These are the rolling
hills punctuated by stone castles and cypress trees
that fuel the romantic spell ofUnder the Tuscan Sun.
Some 7,200 hectares of vineyards are registered
for the production of Chianti Classico, which holds
Italy’s highest wine classification, Denominazione

di Origine Controllata e Garantita.
Producers are able to make a range of wines in
three quality tiers, including Riserva, which must be
aged by the winery for more than two years prior to
release, and Gran Selezione, which was introduced
in 2013 to represent the best single-vineyard wines.
Chianti Classico wines require a minimum of 80
per cent Sangiovese, the historic variety of the zone,
with a staggering 49 other varieties allowed to make
up a maximum of 20 per cent. These include native
varieties such as canaiolo and colorino and interna-
tional varieties cabernet, merlot and syrah.
Wines labelled Chianti come from a larger region
and have less stringent regulationsgoverningtheir
production. Some can be exceptional – and tremen-
dous bargains. Many are basic and blah. (Sangio-
vese is also responsible for Tuscany’s rare and col-
lectable Brunello di Montalcino wines, which typ-
ically come with rave critical reviews and sky-high
prices, and more affordable but varied quality Ros-
so di Montalcino wines.)
Much of the current excitement surrounding
Chianti Classico comes on the heels of the celebrat-
ed 2015 and 2017 vintages, which produced partic-
ularly exemplary and age-worthy wines. But the
quality of the wines coming out of the average 2016
harvest is what has me taking interest.
These savoury and structured wines really show
the ambition and higher standards that define the
region. The 2016 wines might not be the longest-
lived examples, but the best ones are really enjoya-
ble now.
The attainable prices and food-friendly nature of
Chianti Classico makes these wines darlings for
many sommeliers. They can often represent some
of the best value prospects on a well-crafted wine
list. Look for these producers: Badia a Coltibuono,
Castagnoli, Castello di Ama, Il Molino di Grace and
The region’s wines are also well represented at
liquor stores across the country. This week’s recom-
mendations feature a range of (mostly) larger-vol-
ume producers that provide a welcome introduc-
tion – or reintroduction, as the case may be – to the
regal countenance of stylish and surprising sangio-


Coming from the Castelli del Grevepesa co-oper-
ative, this simple and enjoyable red wine makes the
most of its juicy fruit character. It lacks the complex-
ity of the best Chianti Classicos, but it’s ready to
drink and has all the makings of a fine dinner com-
panion. Available in Ontario.


Another consistently pleasing model of Chianti
Classico, this estate-grown blend of sangiovese and
merlot is expressive and enjoyable. Nice complex
character and a long satisfying finish make this
stand out. Available in Ontario at the above price,
$16.95 in British Columbia, various prices in Alberta,
$17.29 in Saskatchewan, $22.99 in Manitoba, $23.85
in Quebec, $27.49 in New Brunswick, $24.99 in Nova


Made with sangiovese and canaiolo, this dry and
elegant red wine is a classic model of Chianti Classic.
The fragrance and flavour profile are refined and in-
tense, with lots of savoury and earthy complexity
adding interest to a core of ripe black cherry fruit.
Drink now to 2030. Available in Ontario at the above
price, $32.99 in Manitoba, $26.95 in Quebec,


Produced with sangiovese and 5-per-cent merlot,
this offers pleasing ripe red fruit and a smooth tex-
ture. The soft and supple house style makes this re-
ally approachable and crowd-pleasing. Drink now.
Available in Ontario at the above price, $19.99 in
British Columbia, various prices in Alberta.


First released in 1927, Riserva Ducale is Ruffino’s
brand name and the wine is made to be Chianti
Classico Riserva, which makes this the only Italian
label to sport the word Riserva twice. Consistently
offering a complex aromas and flavours of red fruit,
spice and herbal notes, this has long been a text-
book example of Chianti Classico. Available in Onta-
rio at the above price, $25.99 in British Columbia,
various prices in Alberta, $28.99 in Manitoba, $24.95
in Quebec, $29.99 in Nova Scotia, $33.48 in New-


One of the founders of the Gran Selezione category,
Ruffino’s Ducale Oro offers serious complexity in
the form of leather, spice and savoury notes. The
palate is rich and concentrated, with youthful tan-
nins and bright acidity that suggest good aging po-
tential, but I’d worry the fruit is going to fade quick-
ly. Drink now to 2026. Available in Ontario at the
above price, $48.99 in British Columbia and $47 in
Quebec, $49.98 in Nova Scotia.








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