2020-02-29 New Zealand Listener

(WallPaper) #1



he New Zealand First political-
donations scandal is spreading
like a coronavirus, infecting
MPs who do not even belong
to that wealthy party. The revelation
that the lobbying firm of NZ First
Foundation trustee Doug Woolerton
tried to get a parliamentary select
committee to change planned legisla-
tion on foreign ownership affecting
property developers such as Conrad
Properties – which then quietly
donated $55,000 to the foundation

  • drew into the mess Labour and
    National MPs infected by contact
    with Woolerton.
    Our electoral donation
    laws are a farce. Dona-
    tions above $15,
    must have their donors’
    names publicly declared.
    Donations of $14,999.
    and less do not. Multiple
    donations just under the
    $15,000 threshold seem
    to be easily disguised by
    either using different
    related entities or simply
    not disclosing the extra
    donations by the same
    Obviously, those laws
    should be changed. Dona-
    tions of more than $
    should be identified and
    the onus put on political
    parties to check that no

related entities are making multiple payments.
“Cash for favours” is a strain of political cor-
ruption that has engulfed administrations around
the world over the years. Restricting anonymous
donations to no more than $1000 would ensure
New Zealand is inoculated against that disease. The
only reason someone gives big money to a political
party and then demands their names be kept secret
is because they believe observers might draw their
own conclusions about the reasons for the largesse
Usually, it would be the media or vigilant blog-
gers who draw public conclusions about that kind
of thing but, in the case of the NZ First Foundation
donations, the opposite seems to apply, with a
Whale Oil-connected blog running covert photo-
graphs of a journalist talking to a former NZ First
president, Lester Gray, seemingly blowing the cover
of a whistleblower.


hale Oil himself, Cameron Slater, appears
to be beached by health issues and legal
problems, but his wife, known as The Span-
ish Bride, is running the blog site. Where would the
blog have got those photos? Well, a close associate
of the Whale has been involved in fundraising

for ... NZ First. Winston Peters’
frantic backpedalling after implying
his party took the pictures doesn’t
exactly inspire confidence, either.
Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern is
struggling to maintain the position
that the NZ First donation saga is
no business of hers, despite the fact
that her Deputy Prime Minister and
Foreign Minister, Peters, is caught in
the middle of it. She can do that only
until the point that the police or
Serious Fraud Office decide whether
or not to act.
If NZ First is charged, surely Ardern
will have to stand down Peters and
NZ First ministers until a verdict is
reached. National’s Simon Bridges
has handed her a gift by declaring
National would not deal with NZ
First and, therefore, Peters really
cannot threaten to bring down the
Government if stood down. NZ First
would be dog tucker in any snap
election that occurred as a result.
Meanwhile, of course, National has
contracted its own dona-
tion-scandal virus. Four
individuals are charged
with offences relating to
big sums donated “anon-
ymously” to a National
Party branch. Bridges is
trying to quarantine the
fallout by claiming no
one from National itself is
in the dock. We will see if
that is enough to protect
the party, and him, once
the issue comes before
the court.
One thing is for sure.
The scandals mentioned
are surely reason enough
to clean up the laws
relating to political dona-
tions. l


Donors and viruses

If NZ First is

charged, surely
Ardern will
have to stand

down Peters
and ministers.










Our farcical

electoral donation

laws make the whiff

of scandal hard

to quarantine.

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