Wake Up and Smell the Profit - 52 Guaranteed Ways to Make More Money in Your Coffee Business

(Wang) #1

29 Thank them

It’s obvious, but again chronically overlooked. We respond very
positively to “Pleases” and “Thank-Yous” and these days basic
politeness is sadly rare. Use this to your advantage – there is no
need to be sycophantic but if a customer has come in and given
you money then thank them. Simple as that. They had a choice
and they chose you, so make an effort to thank them.

If you are the owner never underestimate the importance of
making contact with your regulars too when they have company
with them. The power of “knowing the owner” is a strange and
powerful phenomenon. We all want others to think that we are
important and popular and as the owner you can help make your
customer feel a little better. Do the rounds, clear a few tables, and
take time to say “hello, how are you” to as many even vaguely
familiar faces as possible.

Don’t forget, it’s all about
making your customers
feel good and ensuring
that they want to be in
yourcoffee bar and not
the shiny new one that has
opened five doors down.
Use as many of the free
tricks in your armoury as possible.

Wake up to handling that
nasty customer...
“Holding anger is like grasping a
hot coal with the intent of throwing
it at someone else; you are the one
who gets burned.”
The Buddha


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