Wake Up and Smell the Profit - 52 Guaranteed Ways to Make More Money in Your Coffee Business

(Wang) #1
Wake up and smell the profit. 67

There are two clear lessons from this.
1.Don’t ever think you know it all and that you don’t need to do
anything more to improve.
2.Look to other industries for techniques and tips, particularly
retailers. There are an awful lot of strategies that you can borrow
from other businesses that most coffee shop owners wouldn’t
ever dream of applying.

A few weeks later I was trawling through the till readings and
realised that since we had named all the traybakes we had
increased sales of these items by 6%. This equated to an overall
increase in turnover of 1% over the year which, for a business of
that size was quite substantial. An extra 1% for doing nothing
more than spending thirty minutes typing up some cards.
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