Elusive Victories_ The American Presidency at War-Oxford University Press (2012)

(Axel Boer) #1
index 429

Bush, George W. , 5 , 10 , 19 , 23 , 29 , 273 ,
277–78 , 280–81 , 294–95 , 298 ,
302 , 323–25
and allies , 279 , 284 , 323 , 346
and antiwar critics , 310–11 , 346
and Congress , 283 , 309 , 320–21 ,
decides on troop surge , 274 , 316–17 ,
declines to mobilize nation for
lengthy war , 308–9 , 314 , 345
delegates responsibility to
subordinates , 273 , 298 , 300 ,
306–7 , 317–18 , 320 , 323–24 , 343
discourages doubts or questions
within administration about Iraq ,
281 , 290 , 305–6
domestic agenda of , 309–10 , 320 ,
349 , 351
and expanded executive authority ,
278 , 325
fails to oversee invasion and postwar
planning , 287–88 , 290–92 , 323 ,
348 , 356
fails to respond assertively to
insurgency , 274 , 302 , 305 , 344
lacks leverage over Iraqi
government , 318 , 346
loses freedom of action in Iraq , 273 ,
324–25 , 352–53
as a military commander in chief ,
287 , 306–7 , 312 , 316–18 , 320 , 343
and nation building , 288–89 , 293 ,
and peace building , 273–74 , 280 ,
292–93 , 298 , 356
and public opinion , 274 , 279 ,
282–83 , 309–11 , 315–17 , 322 , 345 ,
415 n 45 , 422 n 168
and September 11, 2001 (9/11)
terrorist attacks , 277–78 , 280 ,
293 , 308 , 310 , 345 , 355
slides into Iraq invasion , 279–82
and war goals , 288 , 297 , 321 , 323 , 347

Butler, Benjamin , 37 , 72
Byrnes, James , 394 n 98

Cambodia , 209 , 229 , 232–33 , 243–44 ,
260–61 , 264 , 405 n 63
secret bombing of , 7 , 257–58 , 261 ,
410 n 167
U.S. forces and ARVN incursion
into , 257–61 , 263 , 343 , 346 ,
411–12 n 205
Caroline Islands , 177
Casablanca Conference (1943) , 155 ,
397 n 162
Casey, George , 304–5 , 313 , 315 , 317 ,
420 n 141 , 420–21 n 144
Central Command, United States
(CENTCOM) , 274 , 278 , 286–88 ,
290 , 293 , 295 , 302 , 304 , 313 , 320 ,
330–31 , 343 , 423 n 192
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) , 16 ,
281 , 286 , 334 , 338
Central Offi ce for South Vietnam
(COSVN) , 259
Central Pacifi c , 148 , 169 , 177
Central Powers (World War I) , 86 , 88 ,
92 , 98 , 111 , 123
Chalabi, Ahmed , 415 n 38 , 417 n 76
Chamberlain, Neville , 135 , 137
Chase, Salmon , 62
Chattanooga, battle of , 59
Cheney, Dick , 277 , 280–81 , 283 , 307 ,
311 , 316 , 414 n 29 , 414 n 34 , 417 n 88
Chiang Kai-shek , 136 , 158–59 , 170–71 ,
178–79 , 187 , 190 , 199. See also
Nationalist China
Chickamauga, battle of , 54
Chicago Tribune , 196
China (Nationalist) , 123 , 125 , 135–36 ,
140–41 , 149 , 155 , 157–59 , 170–71 ,
178–79 , 191 , 199 , 347 , 388 n 170.
See also Chiang Kai-shek, People’s
Republic of China
China-Burma-India (CBI) theater ,
178–79 , 186
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