Elusive Victories_ The American Presidency at War-Oxford University Press (2012)

(Axel Boer) #1
index 431

Debs, Eugene Victor , 117
Decker, George H. , 222 , 404 n 57
Defense Department. See United
States Department of Defense
De Gaulle, Charles , 211 , 393 n 87
Democratic Party , 136 , 211–212 , 354
( see also War Democrats )
during Afghanistan confl ict , 329
during Civil War , 36–39 , 44–45 , 61 ,
64–65 , 67 , 77 , 181–82 , 350
during Iraq War , 283 , 309–12 ,
315–17 , 320–21 , 329 , 351 , 415 n 47 ,
422 n 185 , 423 n 206
during Vietnam War , 213 , 237 , 246 ,
263–64 , 266 , 350–51
during World War I , 93 , 115 , 118 ,
during World War II , 140 , 165–67
Democratic Republic of Vietnam
(DRV). See North Vietnam
Democrats. See Democratic Party
Detroit , 167
Dewey, Th omas E. , 165
Diamond, Larry , 294
Diem, Ngo Dinh , 205–7 , 401 n 6
Dien Bien Phu, siege of , 204 , 244
Dodecanese, the , 159 , 175
Domino theory , 209–10
Dong, Pham Van , 248
Doolittle raid , 176
Douglas, Stephen A. , 69
Draft. See Conscription
Dred Scott (1857) , 78 , 372 n 50
Dresden , 230
Drones. See Predator drones
Dumbarton Oaks Proposals , 187
Dunkirk, British evacuation from , 143 ,
Du Pont , 104

Early, Jubal , 52
Eastern Europe , 16 , 28 , 99 , 122 ,
183–84 , 188 , 192 , 195 , 208–209 ,
345 , 388 n 166 , 398 n 185

Easter Off ensive (1972) , 256 , 260 , 267 ,
Egypt , 126 , 322
Eighteenth Amendment, passage of
the , 115
Eikenberry, Karl , 334
Eisenhower, Dwight , 15 , 211 , 252 ,
257–58 , 285
in World War II , 169 , 175–76 , 192
and Vietnam , 202 , 205 , 209 , 402 n 23
Eisner, Mark Allen , 394 n 106
Elections, U.S. , 65
1860 presidential , 33
1861 spring congressional , 75
1862 congressional , 39 , 45 , 65
1863 , 76
1864 , 52 , 60–61 , 71–73 , 76
1916 presidential , 91 , 94
1918 congressional , 85 , 115 , 121 , 127 ,
1940 presidential , 142 , 146 , 153
1942 congressional , 165 , 174 ,
394–95 n 107
1944 , 163 , 167 , 178
1964 presidential , 206 , 208 , 213 ,
403 n 31
1972 presidential , 267
2000 presidential , 277
2004 presidential , 310
2006 congressional , 5 , 315 , 320 , 362
2008 presidential , 322
Emancipation Proclamation , 40 , 61 ,
63 , 69 , 353
England. See Great Britain
Enola Gay (B-29 bomber) , 186
Entente. See Allies
Espionage Act of 1917 , 116

Fair Employment Practices
Commission (FEPC) , 166–67
Fallon, William J. “Fox” , 320 , 423 n 192
Far East , 138–39 , 143–45 , 147–49 , 178
Federal Control Act of 1918 , 104 , 118
Federal Reserve System , 105
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