Elusive Victories_ The American Presidency at War-Oxford University Press (2012)

(Axel Boer) #1
index 439

People’s Army of Vietnam (PAVN).
See North Vietnamese Army
People’s Republic of China , 17 , 204 ,
207–11 , 218 , 226 , 229–30 , 234 ,
261 , 264 , 267 , 338 , 354 , 402–3 n 24 ,
405 n 69 , 405–6 n 74. See also
China (Nationalist)
Pershing, John J , 102–4 , 106–12 , 130 ,
342 , 384 n 71 , 384 n 76
Persian Gulf War. See Gulf War
Petersburg, Virginia, siege of , 50 , 72
Petraeus, David , 313 , 317–21 , 325 ,
330–333 , 335 , 338 , 423 n 192 ,
423 n 194 , 423 n 197 , 423 n 206 ,
424 n 8
Philippines , 5 , 86 , 133 , 143 , 148 , 154 ,
169–71 , 177–78 , 180 , 194–95 , 209 ,
341 , 369 n 7 , 390 n 26 , 392 n 53
Philippine Sea, battle of the , 177
Phoenix Program , 256
Plan Dog , 147
Ploesti raid , 176
Poland , 122 , 124 , 134 , 137–39 , 149 , 151 ,
154 , 183–85 , 192 , 199 , 398 n 185 ,
398 n 189
Polk, James K. , 13–14 , 43 , 73 , 371 n 25
Pope, John , 39
Portugal , 149
Potsdam Proclamation , 186
Powell, Colin , 19 , 277 , 281 , 284 , 290 ,
295 , 300 , 305
Predators drone , 17 , 22 , 332 ,
334 , 338
President of the United States
and antiwar opposition , 113 , 131 ,
345–46 , 358
and assertions of wartime
emergency powers , 6–7 , 26 , 33 ,
42 , 76–79 , 81 , 362
can lead nation into war , 129–30 ,
146 , 341–42 , 358
constitutional war powers of , 11–12
and domestic reform , 9–10 , 66–67 ,
117–18 , 131 , 349–51 , 426 n 3

encounters postwar obstacles , 85 ,
120 , 127 , 129 , 131–32 , 182 , 204 ,
347–48 , 352
exercises broad discretion at outset
of war , 26–27 , 96 , 352
and “imperial presidency” , 271–72
loses freedom of action during war ,
26 , 132 , 134 , 198 , 272 , 324 , 351–52 ,
and future confl icts , 353–57
loses leverage over allies at end of
war , 123 , 131–32 , 182 , 347
media and press coverage of , 65
as military commander in chief , 5 ,
9 , 11–12 , 15 , 23 , 56 , 71 , 76–77 ,
83–84 , 341–44 , 352 ,
355–356 , 359
and mobilization for war , 104–6 ,
and peace building , 9 , 26 , 67–68 ,
131 , 182 , 263 , 292 , 344 , 346–48 ,
regains some fl exibility when
assuming war initiated by
predecessor , 328–29 , 353
struggles to sustain morale and
popular support , 67 , 80 , 118–19 ,
197 , 307–8 , 344–45 , 355 , 358–59
and wartime civil liberties , 7 , 81–82
and wartime diplomacy , 346
wartime leadership tasks of , 5–6 ,
22–25 , 130–31 , 149 , 200 , 271 , 340 ,
Progressivism , 90 , 114 , 117–18 , 131
Prussia , 41 , 155 , 375 n 28

Quebec conference , 175

Rabaul , 170 , 177
Radical Republicans , 70–72 , 74 ,
Railroads War Board , 105
Randolph, A. Phillip , 166
Reconstruction , 32 , 69–73 , 77 , 81
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