Elusive Victories_ The American Presidency at War-Oxford University Press (2012)

(Axel Boer) #1

442 index

318 , 334 , 346 , 401 n 9 , 401–2 n 15 ,
411 n 179 , 411–12 n 205. See also
Army of the Republic of Vietnam
Soviet Army. See Red Army
Soviet Union , 15–16 , 20 , 133 , 138 , 157 ,
160 , 183–84 , 278 , 354 , 363
in World War II , 144–45 , 148 , 155 ,
162 , 170–72 , 186 , 189–91 , 306 ,
347 , 391 n 39
and Vietnam , 204 , 209 , 228–30 ,
234 , 264 , 401 n 6 , 405–406 n 74
Spanish-American War , 3–5 , 14 , 86
Spanish Civil War , 135
Speer, Albert , 162
Stanton, Edwin , 55–56 , 80 , 225
Stark, Harold , 147 , 395 n 127
Stalin, Josef , 28 , 138 , 145 , 155 , 159 , 169 ,
172–73 , 185–86 , 188–90 , 198 , 208 ,
398 n 185
and pressure on Allies for Second
Front , 171 , 174–75
and postwar Europe , 182–84 , 188 ,
190–92 , 399 n 206
Stalingrad , 172 , 190 , 200 , 296 ,
400 n 210
State Department. See United States
Department of State
Stennis, John , 237–38
Stimson, Henry , 151 , 182
Sudetanland , 135
Summers Jr., Harry G. , 401–2 n 15
Sunnis , 275 , 290 , 301 , 303–4 , 306 , 312–13 ,
317–20 , 324–25 , 333 , 423 n 197. See
also Anbar Awakening
Sun Tsu , 6
Supreme Court. See United States
Supreme Court
Supreme War Council , 107
Syria , 193 , 296 , 315 , 322

Taiwan , 209 , 229. See also Formosa
Tal Afar , 304–5 , 314

Taliban , 7 , 17 , 22 , 278 , 286 , 289 , 328 ,
Taney, Roger , 75 , 372 n 40
Taylor, Maxwell , 235
Teheran conference , 182
Tennessee , 35 , 47 , 49–50 , 58 , 71
Tennessee Valley Authority , 248
Tet Off ensive , 225 , 240 , 243–46 , 252 ,
255 , 313 , 408 n 119 , 411–12 n 205
Texas , 13 , 46 , 54–55 , 58 , 371 n 25
Terrorism , 17 , 23 , 274 , 277 , 308 , 310
Th ailand , 209 , 406 n 85
Th anh, Nguyen Th ich , 242–43
Th ieu, Nguyen Van , 204 , 244 , 249–51 ,
254 , 256–57 , 260–62 , 265–72 , 338 ,
346 , 411–12 n 205
Th ird Reich. See Germany
Th o, Le Duc , 250 , 265–67 , 269 , 339
Th omas, George H. , 54
Th ompson, J. A. , 383 n 48 , 383 n 50
Th ucydides , 6
Tikrit , 296
Tinian , 177
Tobruk , 191 , 193
Tonkin Gulf incident , 212–13 , 217 , 341 ,
403 n 31
Tonkin Gulf Resolution , 213 , 216 , 263
Trading with the Enemy Act of 1917 ,
Trask, David , 381 n 5 , 382 n 32
Treasury Department. See United States
Department of the Treasury
Treaty of Versailles,
Truman, Harry , 10 , 15
Tunisia , 156 , 174 , 322
Turkey , 123 , 175 , 191 , 284 , 295

Union Army , 41–44 , 50–51. See also
individual armies
Union Party , 64
United Mine Workers , 164
United Nations , 16 , 18 , 157 , 187–88 ,
199 , 216 , 263 , 347
and Iraq , 275–76 , 284 , 415 n 47

South Vietnam (continued)

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